Please Re-work Crucible of Carnage

Please re-work Crucible of Carnage. There are so many players there spam clicking the NPC that it is almost impossible to start or complete quests on my server.

Not to mention the number of griefers there purely to tag the mob before the group who miraculously managed to start the quest, just so they don’t get the kill.

I understand that you probably have some more paintings to change, names to alter, or emotes to change, but how did you not see this coming without layering / phasing? It’s impossible to complete right now.

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Do it later then. When there is fewer ppl around.

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To be fair that doesn’t exactly matter. While the game has issues tracking kills when too many people are trying to get the quest the kill is still based around those that Started it not who tagged it.

I will however agree that the quest exposes the worst part of WoW community’s tendencies. The whole “It’s all about me” Mentality. People will rush the quest and spam click it when there are multiple parties trying for it without regard for other groups trying to do the same. Gone are the times where people doing elite quests would just wait in line taking turns. No, now they’ll ignore everything and everyone tagging the mob as soon as they see it regardless of whether someone else was clearly waiting for the mob to respawn.

Wished and hoped and yelled like 1000 times
please turn these Arena quests to scenarios :pray:
Queue , go in with 5 people , do , come out!

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So instead of it getting fixed players should just accept it’s broken, You people…


Thats what you get from playing on one of the mega realms.


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