Please Remove Rune Of Power

15% And its a deal! :fire:

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Unlimited premium mobility is a lot too. :joy:

I’m sorry, but people who think RoP is a well designed spell and requires a lot of skill, are straight up delusional and have no idea of basic design principles.
I can’t personally think of a more self-destructive ability ever introduced in the game for any of the other classes. It creates so many issues on it’s own, that it ruins mage as a whole.

Large flat % dmg increase CDs like that, forces the designers to tune down every single damaging ability in your spellbook or else your damage gets out of control during your major cooldowns.

Thus creating this toxic playstyle, where 80%+ of the fight just doesn’t matter for you, because majority of your damage comes from a 10-15second burst windows.

This is the main cause that kill talents and abilities like Living Bomb, Scorch, Ray of Frost, Nether Tempest, Supernova, etc. Just imagine if current Arcane Mage with its 100 damage multipliers, and also have MoP Living Bomb as a talent…you would have the most broken AOE damage in M+ ever.

The flat % dmg multipliers issue is the most obvious in PvP.
What do mages play in arena? Fire. Why? Because it has the most instant damage and it’s kit is best fit for the toxic playstyle of cooldown stacking flat % dmg increases, where all you do is AFK and survive 90% of the game and do all your damage during combustion window with rune.

What comps do mages play in arena? Fire RM and RMP 90% of the time. Why? Yet again, same reasons. RMP is the only comp that allows the mage to be basically inactive on doing damage for the majority of the game, then get a triple CC setup and pop all cooldowns at the same time.

To summarize it all, let’s do pros and cons:

  1. You get to have a lot of fun for a short window of time
  2. You get to drink your coffee while out-tabbed during majority of PvE encounters


  1. Your damage feels awful outside of cooldowns.
  2. Gameplay is annoying, boring, punishing and frustrating.
  3. Cooldowns that do damage(such as Living Bomb, Meteor, Arcane Orb, etc) are completely gutted and do nothing outside of your major CDs.
  4. Limits your freedom of movement and being forced out of it feels terrible.
  5. Creates toxic and low skill gameplay, where your uptime and efficiency at doing damage, basically does not matters outside of your cooldowns.
  6. It’s hard to balance and mage’s performance goes to the either extreme and never in the middle. You’re either god tier or trash tier.
  7. Forces other bad design decisions, such as not having any hard CC like Stun or Silence in PvP, due to how much more effective they would be on a class, that can instantly multiply its damage output by 3-4+ times without even spending a global and kill an enemy nearly instantly.

I can probably think of more negatives, but that’s more than enough reasons to delete RoP I think. Incanter’s Flow is not any better, but it’s awkward gameplay and lesser damage increase, offsets these same issues by quite a bit.

Some would argue that other cooldowns like Combustion, Arcane Power with Overpowered talent, Avenging Wrath or Metamorphosis would have the exact same issues, and they would be completely right.
There’s a reason why Paladins and DHs have had complaints quite often, about their throughput outside of their cooldowns.
It’s a game-wide issue, but no other class has it worse than mages really.


Spoken truly like someone who is completely out of touch with current PvE.
FYI RoP is somewhere in the 35-45% uptime during any regular pve encounter, and given that it is tied to a major cooldown one must be extremely efficient during downtime because we revolve around cdr now.

add you points 4 and 5 in here for a:
Completely subjective view. Many people like cooldown oriented gameplay.

If you have a issue with all sorts of big cooldowns including combustion, arcane power and rop included the simplest of solutions would be to not play a mage :man_shrugging:

Okay, so if you have a 5-6min fight, 3-4 mins of that fight you’re doing negligible damage and more than 50% of the Rune uptime is without Combustion too, so you’re doing mediocre damage at best. So you end up having fun roughly 1/5th of the fight, if you’re having a decent uptime for CDR on combustion.

Why the hell would I want to play this crap, over something like legion arcane, where every single one of my spells would hit like a truck and the only damage limiter was your mana bar? Quickening arcane in Night Hold was an uptime spec like Frost now with Icy Propulsion, but Quickening was a passive with no cooldown and you also had to balance your mana usage without dropping the stacks.

Or even MoP fire, where you weren’t just spamming Fire Blast with a scripted rotation every Combustion, but instead each of your filler spells felt meaningful, each crit and Hot Streak felt great and you would do big damage with every Pyroblast, instead of being afk 80% of the fight.

There are a billion other spells, buffs and ways, that are way more healthy, fun and skillful than RoP. Hell…even Radiant Spark is a better designed ability that this crap.

It really doesn’t matter if I do or do not have PvE experience this patch or expansion, to know that the spell is badly designed. RoP has been in the game since MoP and I’ve been forced to play it plenty of times(as I am now) and truly there’s no point defending it, since we’ve all seen the feedback on it, before it was buffed to be completely overpowered in SL with dropping automatically on your major CD + having an extra stack.

Majority of people that “like” RoP are usually just performance driven players, who mostly care about “winning the DPS meter” and not really the means to achieve it and if it’s fun or not.
And there’s also the other ones that think that RoP is the most skillful thing ever(spoiler: it’s not) and get a massive ego for playing it and their favorite thing to say is that it’s fun, because of the “high risk vs high reward and how skillful it is”, which really has almost nothing to do with RoP, cuz you actually play around popping Combustion at the right time of the encounter and the RoP is just the “rebalancing tool”, that equalizes your damage at the end of the fight with other classes.
Mages that actually enjoy RoP entirely from a gameplay perspective, are such a small minority, I’d argue there’s more arcane mages that enjoy current Nether Tempest.

Everything “subjective” about RoP is instantly thrown out the window, whenever you realize that even for the most casual of players, not playing RoP is a massive hinderance to their damage output. Simply because the entirety of the class is balanced around having it by default, due to how powerful it is.

RoP is objectively bad for the class, due to how mandatory it is and that’s pretty much a fact at this point.


If you’re Fire and Night Fae…

And Frost on large scale AoE, I guess.

There are other specs and other covenants, which are completely neglected because of crap like this.

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One can enjoy that while still not being a fan of being stuck in one place as a a spec that’s meant to be mobile in its design because of the annoying rune. Nighthold fire mage managed to achieve that even though you often played mirror images for pure single target fights or incanter’s flow for mobility-heavy fights.


The thing is: you gonna ‘enjoy’ your RoP much less due to mechanics poping under your feet, and even if you’ll try to time things in a perfect way you still gonna lose some of the buff during a full fight.
RoP is trash.


If they want to keep this spell ROP let them keep it, but at least maybe rewards us with more damage out of it? Why i am forced with a punishing CD and still they do more dmg than me ??? Is this logic?? Ofc ppl will be mad about it!!
Fix damage on Mages idc how find a way they are many suggestions or quit your job.

I see so many that agree’s here I love it. <3
I share the same opinion as the Host.

I came to think.
How easy would it be… If Blizzard made PvE Builds & PvP Builds that we’re not related with each other at all (:
Only by BASELINE SPELLS like Fireball, Counterspell & Other small abilities (:

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