Please remove Shadowmeld from PVP

ofc a nightelf would say that.

nightelf is the strongest racial in the game by miles, proven by stats

the only reason why its not being complained alot about is because, most classes can in fact roll night elf, which they did.

cba that its strong. Buff the other racials then.
Also Shadowmeld only overperforms with rogues and hunters.

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This is not true. It is significantly OP as a rogue. As it provides additional stealth ability (PvP pov)

For every other class it allows you to completely avoid damage. Interupt MULTIPLE casters against you. Dodge cc.

It is significantly more powerful than every other racial from a PvP pov.

If they let players “choose” racial. It would he chosen 99% of the time in PvP.

It’s too good.

The other racials are being buffed. But they have totally neglected the old classic ones. I agree buffing the others compensates. But SMeld is a fantastically OP one.

shadowmeld overperfoms on everything when u r facing it as a caster, its just another interrupt in this game

Rly this seem too be the lazyiest fix ever

Are the not thinking on cm further that N11 racial maybe could be too good in other contant

Never mind i give up they will never tune it

You don’t even play rated pvp, let alone high level. You’re just complaining for the sake of complaining

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i play more pvp than anyone, i just happen to treat unrated with some level of respect, instead i keep seeing multi r1 healers joining with his 7th characters and alt tab to watch youtube and even tell me in wishper, so that they can leech of what i consider actual pvp and then go back to their 3s experience on voice.

Respect goes a long way, for sure, however if removing shadowmeld does actually happen, same thing should apply with consumables, engineering gadgets, toys and amongst other things. Many proffesional players will simply play rated content, but there is also a handful of aspiring good players that might want to utilize the unrated modes to experiment these shadowmeld-tricks for a more challenging game at 3k mmr later on, if that suddenly gets stripped away would be a tad disheartening for some players, so by that logic so do the consumables.

its a fact that we cannot all roll nightelf simply because its the best drop combat racial, the best stopcasting racial, and the best counter to burst racial
but again, as always, im done again with this forum.

keep going ppl.

Fair, but not everybody is rolling night elf, and if they are, they are 90% of the time competing in 3s, RBGs and solo shuffle/blitz at the highest MMR. The point I’m making is that not everybody has the same level of skill/confidence to successfully cause disruption at the enemy casters.

its not even knowledge or skill
u got smth, ui use it, even randomly, it disrupt, ppl have so much stuff that they can just headbutt their keyboard and one of the keys will interrupt a caster.

the amount of rogues that started failing more and more kicks or even kick me when im not evne casting just becaue they r so used to this stunlock garrotte nonsense is insane, as classes become easier and easier to play with the avg skill of players just skydive down to the floor

the problem is not fake casting the hunter, but if he feign death, then he has stun, then silence, then trap stun, then meld, before we evne get to the interrupt i might aswell be dead or finished with all my defensives, then he will most likely turtle my burst, ppl are stopping using interrupts alot because they don’t even need them anymore

meld is just that one thing on top to stopcast in the fight

also yea, idk why i commented again i need to grow up and stop wasting my time on this forum

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If casting continued through FD, Meld it would STILL be stupidly OP as both FD and meld negate massive amounts of damage also. On really really low CDs. They are inexplicably more powerful against casters than melee.

I play both melee and recently mage now. And the one sidedness of melees control of “casting” is insane.

Let’s imagine they removed inturupts and disarms in PvP…… who would benefit more.

Remove all racials or remove none.


You guys want complete balance and fairness even if we presume SM is “Overperforming” (lmao its just a racial, how much edge can it really give you), but to finish my though - you play an MMO and its exactly differences that make it fun.
Also therr are no instances of examples of balance being implimented at such level
or should i say small detail.
Shadowmeld is the last hole in the flute so to speak in terms of balance.
If we start thinking about it you will end up realizing that even simple concept as terrain give advantages and disadvantages.
For example the terrain at Twin Peaks- literally allowing some classes to cap flags skipping 70% of the map.
Arenas which give Dampening giving instant disadvantage to hybrid classes and give advantage to classes with immunities and parry/dodge mechanics.
Then we can move up to classes like hunter which got literally any tool in the book AND get to be a caster that technically has permanent interrupt immunity on, along with second to last best armor type in terms of armor value, and the best range in the game. Ffs they even got an inescapable RANGED execute.
And many other examples which if we put all in perspective we end up realizing how little Shadowmeld is in terms of bringing havoc.
Id wager it brings flavor more than the lader.
I also wonna remind you about other racials like Orc and its Passive,Troll, Draktyr and Void Elf who are not at all far off.
What i mean by this is- if tomorrow night elf gets nerfed , if we use the same logic to for the sake example pressume that the sole reason night elves are being played is Shadowmeld then that means that all of these prople will return playing Orcs like it was the case for 17+ years.

Sorry for my messed up English, i am currently in the train, writing on my phone.
I may or may not bother to correct some mistakes later on.

the first 2 lines were enough “if”
there is more nightelves then the entire horde pop in rated pvp content
iuts giga overused for most situations

if tomorrow they made it so u can pick yuour racial and race separate then u start seeing those rappresentation numbers going down by a lot over time. its been in this state since forever, but it has become more and more annoying because everytime i cast sommething my target press shadowmeld, and this happens way too often, it fels like im only facing nightelves everywhere i go.

then again i can see it not being a huge problem for classes that do not cast, so 80% of the class/spec roster is probably not feeling it as much

but for a class like arcane who has a glaring weakness of having to cast ARCANE SURGE to start doing any dmg, most people nowdays wont even use their interrupt to stop it, just use cc, into cc, into cc, into cc, into knock, into SHADOWMELD

that INTO SHADOWMELD often is the diff it makes between finally getting my burst off, or getting back to the CC cycle, i have that 2 seconds where i might finally be able to IDD CAST A SPELL and always shadowmeld. always, be it dk, dh or hunter or rogue, still way too annoying

and since for once even tho im talking about 1v1, 1vx, and normal bg, EVEN RATED supports the theory of it being absolutely bonkers i rly don’t see how this can be covered up.

let people pick what racial they want at least, still wouldn’t like it over just nerfing this damn thing.

You wonna focus on Duel PvP or what?
How does 2 mind SM break you really.
Also lets not act like only SM can interrupt a cast.
Heres a list of classes who can do it anyway:



Lets get back to business:

Guess what buddy, when I start bursting, applying 2 rows of debuffs just for them dwarves to remove all of them feels pretty much the same.
There other abilities that interfere with my gameplay- do I yap that they need to be nerfed simply because I hate them ? No, because im not a p.


I’m sure you were here complaining too when Horde was obnoxiously broken and the only viable option for like a decade

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Amen. I wanted to mention this.

Night Elf has been the best racial since 2008… ORC Racial was considered an equal due to it’s strength vs rogues. Stop with the bullcrap

Then why has Alliance been unplayable before cross faction play/DF :thinking: