Please remove Shadowmeld from PVP

I don’t know how many people have to ask

Just remove it…

It’s an interrupt
it’s a CC prevent
It’s a damage immunity
it’s stealth

Like honestly, with how much power classes have right now it’s absurd that only a handful of specs can actually play this class.

Remove it entirely from the game.


Yes, please permanently screw over the the vast majority of PvE players that rolled nightelf, just so a handful of PvPers don´t have to adapt to something that has been in teh game for 20 years :rofl:

Remove it in PvP, Sure, fine, couldn´t care less… But remove it altogether just because PvPers refuse to cope with a racial talent that has been in game longer than they have? Hell no, let them go fornicate themselves. :wink:

Because the very next thing s they´ll target will be excape artist (gnomes shouldn´t be able to break CC more often) and arcane torrent (Why can Belfs remove my buffs?), then fireblood (what? he can remove bleeds AND gets a dmg Boost for it OPPLZNERF!!!) and stoeneform, then berserking…

Remove all racials from pvp, or none of them, but don´t touch PvE just because a few people in the arena cant cope.


had to be said.

truth has been spoken

a handful… bro, please go to check pvp, pick ANY and i mean ANY rated pvp content in any region

check where Night Elf is, the fact that this has be even talked is already pretty insane.

And I provided a workable solution… but it´s one that would actually even the playing fiield for everyone, permanently, by deactivating all racials.

But it´s no surpris that that´s not ok either, because for most PvPers proper balance = I´m teh one that´s OP

Where´s your suggestion for actual balance that doesn´t knowingly screw over approx. 1 million players just so a few hundred have an easier time??

Because so far I see

  1. a solution that would brutally dismantle one of the oldest races and racials in the game for everyone, just to appease a laugably small and heavily fragmented percentage ofhte playerbase
  2. A solution that actually evens the playing field across teh board for everyone, is simple toimplement, and makes it easier for Blizzard to actually balance PvP, because that´s what you regulaly profess to want, class Balance? Yes? or NO?
  3. and one person who´s apparently great at telling other people how incompetent they are, but hasn´t yet managed to prove his own competence by actually providing any sort of alternative, be it workable or not.

If anything the irrelevant level of actual imbalance you wish me to research merely underscores the validity of my suggestion, becausse as soon as shadowmeld is gone, you´re all just goint to switch to the next FOTM that need to be removed for everyone just to appease one of the the smallest minorities in the game.

But i guess they should have just removed mages entirely, because warriors and paladins were perma-whining about them in PvP for the first 10 years of WoW´s existence, right? Right?

Heres a novel idea: How about an actual solution that doesn´t say “F everone that isn´t me” for a change? Or is that too much to ask?

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Paladin detected.
Opinion rejected.
Everyone mad at 3m tall muscle momies.
Muscle mommy dont care.


Shadowmeld paired with rog is powerful as it lets the rog get an extra vanish. The racial only benefits the rog from my observation. There isnt anything gamebreaking about it when playing other classes as night elf.

Night elf has high representation on the ladders yes. But your saying its because of shadowmeld is simply false as its nothing gamebreaking about it unless your a night elf rog.

The high night elf representation is simply because of night elf looking good and also mog looks cooler on them than other races.

Maybe… But only maybe… it’s Rogue AND Drood…

You do realize that this is a dumb argument considering that 20 years ago shadomeld could only be used while out of combat, right? It was made broken in 2008.

Yes, I do.

But IMO significantly dumber, and much less realistic, is campaigning for taking something away from everyone else that doesn´t play pvp, who with all due respect outnumber PvPers by a factor of at least 5:1, solely due to arena considerations.

That´s like saying nobody in the general public gets to drive a chevrolet just because chevrolet happens to be winning teh Winston Cup. You´re taking a niche situation that only applies to a small minority, and using that to argue why the Majority can´t have something.

And in the case of this thread and one of the other posters, completely ignoring a potentially workable solution that not only solves the niche problem but also , improves another general issue in that same niche that will rear it´s head next in line, and simultaneously allows everyone else this ise has no impact on to not care about the niche problem. :beers:


What shadowmeld should be is not instant invis.

It should be ‘press button’ stand still for 2 seconds, go stealth.

It’s the only racial which directly interacts with class abilities. Should not be the case.

20 years ago the game was not the same

now there is classes that can cycle interupts and don’t le tu cast as long as they want, shadowmeld is that one extra ability that also helps, dh, dk, hunter, rogue, and so on, they just cycle kicks, silence, stun, feign deaths and so on until u just give up playing before one of your casts is over, unless u play full instant cast builds which are boring, lazy and unfun imo

20 years ago ppl didn’t have this many tools, sometimes a spell, a spec, a class cna just become stronger because everything around changes

much like if tomorrow there were no dots in the game chanibbalize would be much more viable without changing any values (still would be C tier, but hey, beter than the curretn F tier i guess)


So…war3 meld?

I actual thought with people abusing shadomeld for trash skip and nullify mechanics in M+ and almost all high keys where finish by N11 Blizzard would have an eye on it and tune there racials

But no some edgy N11 lover works at Blizzard

Every class ability interrects with class abilities dirrectly.
Theres no crime here.
Void elf racial is pretty op if you pair it with some classes like Warlock or Mage or even Hunter.
Gnome x Warrior is pretty broken too.
Dwarf x Hunter.
Draktyr x Any melee = + extra interrupt
Pandaren x any setup class like mage for example = + extra cc
and lets not act like Troll and Orc are not insanely broken not to even bring the stun reduction passive which is super duper good since day 1 of the games existence, while Shadowmeld sucked spaghetti until Wrath.
I also want to bring to your attention that Wow is an MMORPG as in RPG.
Its normal to have impactful spells.
Thats what makes it interresting.
And by all means buff other underperforming racials as well- i miss blood elves having AOE silence.

But I honestly with the current meta and current issues I really feel like Shadowmeld being problematic is the last hole on the flute that you should be steaming about and I simply cannot take you guys seriously.
You’re Karening out.


I think all racials should be gone. People should be able to pick the race purely based on looks alone.


Agreed. You shouldn’t be forced into a race and imo many of them are imbalanced, just against different things.

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If I recall correctly, this was fixed with TWW. I cannot meld when we have a boss wipe anymore.

sure i see thousand of threads and people asking for it /s


Just disable the racials in pvp.