Please remove Snipershot

Not only does it ruin casual battlegrounds PVP

it’s absolutely bugged in arena and need fixing asap if it isn’t removed.

The tool tip says “deals 20% maximum health”

the exact same as abilities such as Greater Pyro deals 35% maximum health

Now for some bizarre reason, Sniper Shot scales with modifiers making it far more than 20% health.

For example my Warrior has 1044k health and the MM hunter cast Sniper shot on me. This should deal 20% maximum health - armour rating which means it should do around 152k health, however the Sniper shot hits me for 299k which is 28% maximum health AFTER my armour modifier. The reality is with Chakram / mastery or whatever, the spell is doing more towards 30-40% maximum health depending on the target armour rating which is 100% more than the tooltip stats.

Please lower Sniper Shot to 10% maximum health and unaffected by modifiers or remove it from the game completely


sniper shot needs some change yea

If you cant stop a 3 sec cast its not the MMs fault


Oh bac is back lol

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That OP will soon ask

" i took a frostbolt and while i took damage i was also slow, please remove it from the game"

Tbh fixing Sniper shot is one of the few things that would greatly help MM in the long run currently, because at this point it creates the illusion that MM is any decent, while if it just hit 20 % properly as it should without scaling, people would start calling for buffs


Another fried post about sniper shot :confused:

I’m no means an expert pvper, despite the rating being very hard though this expansion I’ve managed to hit 2200. This being said I’ve put a lot of hours into mm hunter. YES ABSALOUTELY sniper shot needs to be removed from the game despite it actually being countered hard at higher lvl arena and its broken especially in bgs. However with that being said mm hunters are struggling in arena right now and getting a lucky sniper shot off into a killshot is the only reason we are even some what viable this season.

While MM looks easy on paper and its popularity is high in BGs it is a complete different world when played in arena. It is mind boggling how a spec can drop from S-tier in BGs to several tiers down to B-tier or maybe even C-tier in arena. It is a big difference, and the spec feels like a roller coaster between BG and arena. Most specs are not like this, they are stable across all PvP modes. MM needs to be redesigned.

MM was a bit better last season yet people didnt play it in arena because of its high skillcapness. MM is not a spec fotm rerollers can jump on and blast their way up, even if its good in a good spot. Only those that have played it for a long, long time can achieve something with it.

But anyways, since sniper shot is Scheixanter’s favorite ability I want it removed :slight_smile:

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if u remove sniper shot u might as well remove the spec altogether

because theres literally nothing fun about it compared to how insanely fun it was in Shadowlands

most stagnant and boring talent tree imaginable

do 0 dmg to plates

ran down and squished by melees

Then you must be doing something wrong, saw 2 days ago 2k4 lobby a warrior getting cheese every game almost by mm hitting for 300k and I barely hit the guy.

Just stop the 60yard cast kek.

Someone has to keep in check those locks.

Even worse, hunters are getting owned by mages after mage buffs and 30% armor increase. It was the only class we could counter, not anymore now. I am getting blasted by mages any time, anywhere. I feel like a rag doll. That is why I took 2 months break because I knew it was going to happen after those buffs. But I dont like to complain, real men deal with it and find ways to solutions. Who knows, there may come a time when hunters can counter all classes. And the other classes get their own medicine.
I sincerely hope it will happen next expansion. Lets wait and see.

It’s funny how 2010 Cataclysm Marksman Hunter design is better than and would make MM more viable than the current one.


Yes mm design is trash. That said,

Keep snipershot

Not really sure why you are getting destoryed by mages, but mages are the easiest win for me in arena. By no means are they actually ‘’easy’’ though as they have alot of ways to avoid and block damage. But i still hard counter every mage i meet even the high rated ones.