Please remove tanks from battleground blitz. Its bot after bot fighting in mid refusing to take flags or rather not responding to anything. I am assuming they just take the role for fastest possible queue or maybe they simply want to ruin the experience.
On top of the obvious bot argument tanks are also boring and ruin the overall experience for the rest they simply add nothing besides being frustrating flag spinners dumbing down base maps.
If you had tested or even tried your own game mode one time after it went live on rated mode you would see its absolutely overflowing with guardian druid bots.
Try and monitor the next time you put a feature live please.
Also I am sure there is a lot of posts probably already out there but is this MMR system really your best? This size company years of games having rated modes, this really? that’s what you come up with. I have had MMR switches of almost 700 on some characters. I expected it to be bad but you managed to exceed my expectations.