Please remove this topic its a copy thanks

can one of the mvps help me with the topic down there? thanks

MVP’s have no access to tickets. They are normal posters just with green colour because they are helpful and informative.

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hello Sinaaki can you please tell me if you know the answer for that problem?
thank you.
i used to know the answer but now that this happened i dont know anymore to be honest

No, i cant help you with your case. Only the GM’s that answers your tickets can help you. In general though, i’d stop with the behaviour that is getting you sanctioned even if the GM’s cant agree if its ok or not. Just to be safe.

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yes but man one is saying its ok and one is saying its not ok .
im confused if i dont go to do that then i dont know what to do in the game till the new season

Unsub and play something else? Cant be that much fun just skinning others kills all day long.

no i still love my characters.
i need to find the answer for this question and stay alive till the new season
thanks gl