MoP had the best class design and though its a shame sv is no longer ranged, i do enjoy it very much now and don’t want this to be taken away. Perhaps on day they can bring rsv back as a 4th spec and make it a dot range spec but more themed around shadow/dark rangers. So instead of nature/poison damage over time, you’ll do shadow damage over time.
If you die allot as an msv then you’re probably doing something wrong. They have great survival skills if played right.
Would be the optimal outcome.
Bring back RSV and it’s core theme with a modern design. No need to change the aesthetics to something else.
Especially not to a fantasy that does not even have it’s roots in the hunter class. Dark Rangers are undead archers that utilizes unholy magic and necromancy in the form of reanimating fallen enemies as well as psychic screams, life drains and such.
Not to mention that a core part of the fantasy of Dark Rangers, is how they become what they are. Meaning dying followed by being resurrected into undeath.
I wouldn’t exactly call that fitting for the Hunter class. As most hunters, aren’t undead. Nor do they make use if unholy magic/necromancy.
You have two ranged specs keep survival as it is now.
Honestly one of the best times i had in BFA, was doing wpvp as SV hunter before flying.
This is my problem.
You have a fond memory of a time on your alt, so us that don’t like it, have to accept its state, because of players like you.
The other two ranged (physical with ranged weps) specs are the ONLY two ranged specs in game. There are tons of other melee.
I thought you were going to leave the hunter forums…?
Lets keep a spec a pile of steamy crap of it’s former self because a few random people enjoyed WPvPing as it on an alt
I was, then realised I can just be more optimistic and less salty and post constructively like a civilised person.
Still won’t tolerate nonsense though. But I am trying to turn over a new leaf.
Give us that 4th spec option so those of us who liked RSV, can get that back as well.
Yep, but we have no spec which focuses on enhancing ammunition or traps. Like what RSV did in the past.
Something none of the current specs do.
BM’s main focus, is pets/beasts.
MM’s main focus, is archery/sharpshooting. Not the ammunition.
MSV’s main focus, is melee-combat. At least by intent. Even though, mechanically, it was more true looking to Legion as opposed to now in BfA.
In legion I loved survival, mained it throughout and did 15+ mythics and heroic raiding with it.
They gutted the crap out of it in BFA, til it’s almost a melee beast master hunter with even less mechanics.
If they reverted it back to legion I’d go back in a heartbeat, and there were quite a few hunters who enjoyed survival in legion.
But we all quit survival once the BFA changes got implemented, if you go back to BFA release you will see a lot of people kicking up over the gutting of survival.
It’s nothing to do with their isn’t room in the class for a melee class. The problem is they released a specc to a nicht audience of players and managed to change the specc in a way that turned away it’s nicht audience.
So now u have a handful of pve players who play it and a bunch of players using it as a pvp alt xD
They either need to make survival great again as a melee specc and undo some of the gutting. Or just take it back to ranged specc, cause BFA survival is just sad.
But played as hybrid melee during vanilla.
Let’s not kid ourselves and just admit that we basically are a melee BM but with worse AoE (technically better but requires a full rotation + CDS lmao).
old survival and marksmanship are a single spec now… because they were basically the same spec anyway just one being worse.
Yet this still didn’t stop them messing up the legion version of survival… how can they turn something so good into some thing so bad within 1 expansion worth of changes?
The problem here is that they were listening to the people who didnt even like the concept of survival in the first place which was to increase the hunter’s melee capabilities. Survival was wrong in every expansion since burning crusade and legion fixed that… the problem is that they did not give it enough time to grow a following before heading back towards the incorrect concept.
If this is your personal view of the specs from back then, then fair enough. But don’t present this as being an objective view of the two specs and their respective mechanics(or aesthetics).
I can see why someone who doesn’t like the ranged aspects of the hunter class would say this.
Ah yes the DoT based, trap using, melee capable specc (until MoP) is exactly the same as the sniper (with pet) specc, completely the same yes I see it now… Not really.
They were similar (As all speccs were at some point) but still had a unique playstyle, Survival’s niche being DoTs and DoT clipping and MM being good pure physical damage with Chimera being the lone magic foused spell they had as signature.
Legion iteration of survival was a clunky mess, I can agree they pruned it too hard for BfA but doesn’t change the fact the former was a mess and BfA smoothed it out.
Debatable, survs original iteration was more of a melee-ranged hybrid looking at talents and playstyle, including what remained up until removal of Deadzone and as such our melee capabilities, Survival was still very much loved as a ranged specc by everyone except melee players using hunter as their ranged alt lul.
Saying a specc is wrong from x expantion to y is a mediocre argument, as it was changed from a melee heavy specc in patch 1.12 which is what Classic runs on and when devs had more of an idea what they wanted the specc to be going forward and putting it in line with the other two, wether we the playerbase like it or not.
But to me it’s obvious you don’t like the ranged aspect of… a class that has primarily been ranged in the 15 years the game has existed lmao.
This shows that you have no idea how survival was, the only ranged ability in the survival talent tree, and the only direct increase to your ranged capability by the way, was the new wyvern sting.
And guess what, this put the target to sleep, allowing you to either get close to them or to get away from them, it was not a ranged dps focused ability.
All other talents had nothing to do with increasing any form of ranged combat, but rather almost always improved your melee survival capabilities, there is literally only 1 point of ranged in the whole classic talent tree and it is not for dpsing.
In fact when you really think about it, survival looks more like they intended it to be a melee tank spec.
I can read talent trees and spellbooks from previous builds of the game just fine, as can I find guides and if I dig enough probably videos.
Now if you had actually read my whole post instead of cherrypicking a part to focus on you’d see I even acknowledge it being a MELEE-ranged hybrid. But I guess reading is too much to ask for.
And i am saying it was not a hybrid because it’s only purpose was to let you stand in melee and still fight, paired with BM talents you would be increadibly durable and still put out damge through the pet.
It had effectively zero use outside of pvp however as the main damage oriented spec was marksmanship with a mix of the other 2 specs early talents.
It was literally a choice of : pets, guns or swords.
Those were the 3 talent trees, a hybrid would exist as a 21/21/x kind of build and not a 31 point build.
Survival was a tanky melee originally, end of story.
Congratulations on summarizing the Classic/Vanilla iteration of the specc! But I believe we primarily debated the whole specc and not just one expac worth of it.
But sure, let’s leave the chat there, shall we
actually… it was still melee in burning crusade, they just added another ranged attack to give it a bit more help when it wasn’t up close.
Survival did not have a good history after that as it became very clunky and totally underwhelming, marksmanship was literally just a better version of the same spec every single expansion after they started focusing survival towards ranged.
The reason for this is that if you want to focus on ranged shots then you should have been playing marksmanship as it was the best shooter of all the hunters at every point in WoWs history.