Please, stop making us kill cute animals

Ottuks. Beavers. Ducks. Why you gotta make us slaughter them, devs? :confused:


Only cute animals deserve to live after all. Not very different from real life when you think about it. Hope all of you are cute too in real life, or else you don’t deserve to live. :+1:


Calm down and don’t worry, these animals are just a bounch of 010111000101011

There should be a “No, go do it yourself” button on those quests


You can also leveling as alliance with bgs, then you will just kill really Ugly things.



Thankyou adventurer for saving the otters.

Kill ottuks to save a centaur? Hmm…

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Hippies are trying to conquer the game!
Somebody, call Eric Cartman!


That they even make “Calf’s” targetable is very sad indeed.

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Early weekend I see.

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I confess it makes me uncomfortable as well, but then i remember they aren’t really alive. They are just code being rendered and respawn shortly after.

Is there really someone who truly believes that in-game npcs or mobs could be real? :thinking:

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No. But nevertheless we can feel bad about what we perceive as bad actions on what is made to look like a real creature.
But, thinking the way i said, it’s easy to detach those feelings if you rationalise that it’s just a code render made to look like an animal.

I’m rather sad when I need to kill a pretty blood elf instead…

Like that Malicia in WPL or the belf girl in the Felomelorn quest for Fire Mages in Legion. Just why? :cry:

Dont be sad as their deaths are just mere stepping stones on your path to glory.

Or just gloves that go well with your transmog.

Quiet! Our Machine Overlords will hear you!

Because quest npc want duck macaroni and you need 10k xp or 100g gold for your daily side kicks :smile:

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We’re murder-hobos, we kill what we’re paid to kill, besides, it’s on Azeroth, so they’re probably corrupted by something insidious anyway.

Typical old god trick: Corrupt something cute, and when some foolish adventurer is hesitant to kill such cute animals, they pounce and bite your legs off.

My race is why I never get trucked in PvP. Too cute.
