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most of us play because its where our favorite race is if blizzard was to actually give alliance proper high elves i could see the horde kneeling over and dying granted most of us would still not move over even so
Blood Elves are arcane junkies. What’s so great playing a drug addict?
night elves are arcane junkies too but they get their fix from the moonwells as for my part i’ve been a elven paladin in D&D (that i play regularly with friends and family) ever since the rules allowed me to so over a decade now
As a person who plays mostly Horde these days, my reasons are the following: they’re much more diverse than the Alliance.
The Alliance races are humans, humans with ears, short muscular humans, even shorter humans. The only proper beast race is the worgen, and even they’re kinda humans.
Compare this to Horde - you have cows, foxes, trolls, goblins…
Now, onto lore reasons: orcs have clans, each with their own culture, their own internal struggles. The first time we saw something like this in the Alliance was during BFA, when there were different arguing houses in Kul’Tiras. The houses of Stormwind are more united, there aren’t quarrels between the nobility and clashes between them and the king. It’s okay with dwarves though - they have lore, wars and currently Ironforge is ruled by council like Orgrimmar
The Night Elves once ruled Azeroth. They are a glorious race and culture. Can’t even compare them to Blood Elves.
alas blizzard kinda dropped the ball introducing 2 night elf paladins and never giving people the option
All Hail the Queen. Queen Azshara
So you basically admitted you want to be an unorganized beast/brute fighting tribe wars all the time.
Honestly this.
The Vulpera should’ve gone alliance and Mechagnomes horde.
I play it mainly because orcs, taurens and trolls exist and they are pretty wholesome compared to people who play alliance races. And blood elf male is cooler than both void and night elf males
Hey man,we cant all be lackies to the worldender or to busy killing our carpenters and stonemasons…
What’s so great about that? Just an addiction. Life is too short to deny yourself something. Also most people of the Horde like to be more than 5 feet tall.
You prefer desert beasts over technologically superior geniuses?
Let’s see. A cute fox race with cool lore and cool racial
A copy-paste gnome wearing a diaper.
That’s why Silvermoon is still in ruin because you sniff arcane all the time instead of getting to work.
The foxes are goblin copy paste. They just added the fur.
I am blind man. I dont see a difference.
accurate, Lor’themar Theron is the biggest arcane dealer in silvermoon, that’s the only way he got his reputation and power. Silvermoon is in reality just a big cartel full of pimps. And blizzard won’t do nothing about it
I can join you and hunt down the horde stench off Azeroths surface but I am a devastation evoker and I will litteraly die by hitting my toe on the edge of the Alliance war table.
Proper High Elves? cough