Pls delete

Sigh. You are a one trick pony. Offer nothing but ad hominem even when proven wrong you don’t acknowledge it or move the goal posts.
You falsely claimed that the Horde just want to be left alone. Until I debunked this with evidence of Domination Point. Siege of Orgrimmar had a treasure trove of things stolen by the Horde from Pandaria.

I get it. I offended your religion with the alphabet people ideology thing.

You dont listen to points tho you come up wiht bs and continually refuse to adress the actaul point. the domination poiont stuff was the middle of a war that has been ongoing for about 3 years.

no you just come across as a vile person and stubborn becuase you refuse to listen to anything differant. i relaiased ages theres no point arguing with you cos you repeatedly just ignore the actual point and claim im moving the goal posts when i provide evidence

This is EXACTLY what a fundamentalist religious person would say when you offend and or reject their religion, brand you a bad person or damn you to their version of the Maw. JK Rowling was also chastised for offending the alphabet ideology / religion.
Greta Thunberg voice: How dare you!..not believe what I believe and have a different opinion. Diversity of thought is haram.

Everyone can see that yet again you are moving the goalposts. Your point was that the Horde just want to be left alone. Except for when the Horde actively try to conquer and steal things from other people. Most can admit when they are wrong but you are incapable of doing so.

Even the Iron Horde - During the Warlords of Draenor expansion which was ALL about the Past of the Horde. Hellscream clearly says in the trailer “We will never be slaves! but we will be conquerers!”

To hammer home my point.
The false claim that the Horde want to be left alone. Is disproven by their thirst for conquest which is the opposite of wanting to being left alone.

The Alliance will not be conquered. As long as the Alliance exists the Hordes dreams of conquests will only be dreams.

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This isn’t about religion

Your free to have believes people are free to think your in the wrong

Apparently we’re never going to agree on this either

Religion is not the only system of beliefs. Just the most recognised one. Political ideologies and beliefs also exist. So the comparison is you are just another believer.

It is not what happened to JK Rowling.

Yes because in your world the Horde has absolutely zero desire for conquest and never have. Probably Alliance propaganda. Right?

People disagreed with what she said is that a problem? Believing in equality isn’t a religion is should be basic human decency but let’s ignore that.

When were led by corrupt war chief look at thrall and voljin and the council that’s the real horde

You done your google search then?
They tried to cancel her for disagreeing with her beliefs. It is like a religion without a deity. You have a bad habit of downplaying things that happen that you find inconvenient.

Oh that Erevien blood elf mage guy would disagree with you on the Horde council. You are a Dark Iron anyway, or supposed to be.

The Horde are not children. Except for those that were rapidly aged by magic because the Horde needed an army.
They have agency. The “our warcheif made us do it” is not actually an excuse.
When do you always have to agree with people on anything anyway? You are quite the NPC.

Its quite clear don’t agree with ecerything

I used to be a belf and I still raid with my horde guild and most of my alts are horde I just like dark iron. That ok?

A council is better then a corrupt warchief

Clearly. You’re a horde sympathiser.

No that is not okay. You sold your soul to the Horde.

other Horde voices disagree with you.

And people are free to do so

Always have been

Which world quest is this? I already knew Vorrik voiced a lot more world quests for the Horde (He only voices 1 in the open world for Alliance if I remember right). But I were not aware of any wquests about the faction conflict.

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