Pls fix ret it is so simple

It is no secret that Retribution Paladins have become one of the least enjoyable classes to play in Cataclysm Classic. This is not because they perform poorly, but because their gameplay is unfun and frustrating.

However, it is simple to fix:
If Divine Storm always awarded Holy Power when it hits a target, rather than only on 4+ targets, the gameplay experience would improve significantly. This change would not affect single target performance but would slightly buff multi-target performance by allowing players to gain Holy Power when using AoE abilities on 2-3 targets, which could then be spent on a single target ability.

If healing is a concern, every Paladin would be fine with a minor glyph that reduces the minimum hit requirement to 1 and removes the healing completely.

I know there are more issues with Retribution, but this change would make the class more acceptable. The icing on the cake would be if Zealotry also worked with Divine Storm, as it just makes no sense why it shouldn’t.


Well they wont touch or fix anything it’s cata and it’s on autopilot until start of next year man.



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? ret is fine lmao

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yes and no feels like meh atm slow playstyle and still weird to have crusader strike and divine storm on same cooldown

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Yes Ret gameplay is realy crap and you realy have to like this specc to play it , but poor performance ?!@?! wtf are we even plaing to same game ?!?

they already overbuffed ret paladins in wotlk, hopefully blizzard wont make the same mistake again.

blizzard, dont touch paladins.


To be fair he’s not asking for a ret buff, rather stating that they are not enjoyable to play.

And I kinda agree tbh. Most classes this far has to me been improved in Cata, but paladin is one of the few exceptions that feels worse to play than earlier versions. I understand that the holy power system is a love or hate thing, but unfortunately I and seemingly others aswell think it’s unfun and clunky. Imo, ret is actually the paladin spec that feels the least bad to me, holy and prot play even more awkwardly.

Edit: With that said though, I don’t expect it to change since that’d mean the whole class has to be redone from scratch. So you just have to accept the way they play or reroll. I know I won’t be prioritizing my paladin alt this expansion, atleast.

Holy power aint really the issue here it’s more everything is on your procs if u don’t get good procs u gonna suck hard

Yeah, that’s a matter of personal preference I guess. I only play ret as a low geared alt, but I feel that my overall performance is stable enough. But it is indeed a more proc-based/rng type of playstyle compared to other ret versions in classic WoW. Sometimes you have so many procs you can barely use them all, and sometimes you have almost nothing to press for the next gcd.

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Demo is pretty convoluted and could be easily fixed by allowing the Warlock to choose which Demon Soul buff he wants to use or base it on spec rather than pet so we dont have to pet twist all the time, but I’d rather they just left it tbh.

I don’t want a situation like in wotlk where Feral was buffed so much they out dps’ed Shadowmourne Warriors and end game geared Fire Mages.

Really? Not much has changed for Holy from Holy Power point of view. If talented right you have two extra ways of getting it (Casting Divine Radiance on any target and casting Flash of Light/Divine Light on the target of your Beacon of Light) without casting Holy Shock which amounts to two free spells every so often.

Prot’s seems also similar? Ok your Shield is now Holy Power Spender but it’s on rather similar cooldown as it used to have. And you throw your shield more often with it having cooldown reset from your default HP generators.

How is it any less simple compared to wotlk. It was litteral click what lights up and is ready out of a small amount of spells ?

it wasnt a mistake, it was 100% needed and the reason it was needed is because the whole spec was redesigned mid wotlk making it very inefficient in the start of wrath. Even with the glyph they were still not on the same level as other classes in icc, mainly ferals who just dominated. That doesnt apply to cata since there isnt any massive change to ret from phase 1 to phase 5 that would warrant it

Ret needs DS to give Holy Power on 3+

As well as Zealotry to work the same with DS as it does with CS.

I agree, it does feel very strange that some of these things were not originally baked like this. None of this would change anything on the damage meters. Ret AoE is meh at best when compared to the top ranks.

All that this would do is make the spec more intuitive and provide quite the quality of life when played.

Having said all of this. I dont see Blizzard changing anything.


its very detrimental to the playstyle and if you pop zeal on aoe packs, you stuck with cs regardless of mobs. Its bad, it feels bad, but this is what the devs intended in 2010.

ds hitting 4 targets generating a hp wasnt a thing before za/zg patch originally, since we are in last patch release. Censure does 25% less damage than originally in p1.

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