Pls make Shaman Tanks! :D

I enjoyed playing one in SOD.

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Makes sense, I think the shaman class tree is quite “open”, not too niche you know? I mean a new tank spec would fit in nicely with how the class tree is right now, nothing looks to be too controversial and OP n stuff, just basic shaman stuff that you can work around quite easily

Ayyy same here my wolf brother! - And good luck turning that “frown” around lol

Can’t link tiktoks? That sucks, this one is too funny man

Yeah Druid is great to find out what kind of role you prefer to play.
I rarely recommend it for a new player though because there are so many options that it can overwhelm them and the specs use different stats so they would need to keep an extra weapon if they want to go from caster to melee.

I’d love for shamans to be tanks, I just don’t have faith in blizzard doing it or if they do, I doubt it will be made well.
Druid class tree was very dull in dragonflight due to fitting 4 roles into it, though it is slightly better now.

But it only hurts a little to dream!

It’s definitely not mechanically boring. The opposite is the case. The pulls you could do with all these totems is crazy. You’re definitely wrong about this

Im not in the mood to discuss why the limited range of totems is a bad idea. Ask Prot Palas what they think about their consecration.

So to make it work (like what they will do with Prot Palas) you need to increase the range.

And then it becomes a skill some tank already has, but with a different visual effect. Like a “bone shield” from DKs. Except that instead of bones its a totem. Or some floating rocks.

Like I said in the Shaman Forums already: “Visually cool and unique” is not the same as “mechanically cool and unique”.

A BDK is mechanically unique. A Prot Warrior is mechanically unique. Each with advantages and disadvantages. A Shaman Tank would be a blue re-skin of an existing tank because most of what you can do in tanking is already done by existing class.

Shamans can move totems around with totemic projection. Alternatively, shaman tanks could have a talent, that they carry their totem on their back

Everyone pls report this guy, he does this on every post of mine, it’s literally harassment and he deserves to get banned

Fair enough. But what would that totem do exactly ?

Dont forget what I said :

Just saying.

Let me put it this way : Is a Frost Mage mechanically the same with the same spells as a Fire Mage but in blue ?

NO ? Well that’s my point here. These totems you mention have to do something special no other tank does. It cant be a totem that gives you “ignore pain” or “stagger” or “death strike”

Because that would just mean Shaman Tanks are blue warriors, blue monks or blue DKs.

amagad, that could be so nice

I must admit, apart from resto I am not so familiar with shaman abilities and talents
 But I don’t think it would “over crowd” the class to have a tank spec, as I mentioned, druid has the same and for that reason is a nice class to play, as you can do all 4 roles :smiley:

True! It was just to say, druid is fondly (from my experience) suggested to people in doubt due to their ability of playing all roles

Ahem! :sunglasses:

He doesn’t mean any harm. He’s just one of those guys who likes to poke the bear. He makes me laugh though.

You’re posting on an open forum. He pays his sub and has his opinions. He’s not a bad guy, just disagrees with you. Making a post does not make you the editor or the moderator of it. All posts are public to everyone to comment on.

That’s not stalking nor harassment. Stalking or harassment would be he tracked you down in game over a forum post and made your playtime hell somehow.

I would not like to hype myself, but if this will ever happen, I do not know what will happen.

I love shaman, but I also like being tank, combined together, I will be fullfilled.


no no and no, fights against the whole idea of a shaman.

Using the earth element to protect others is hardly againts the idea of shaman.


He just admitted to trolling in the post he deleted, and if you click the flag “trolling” is a reportable offense. I wouldn’t recommend supporting a bully if I were you.

Sweet, did not know it’s been covered in such a way, but I was thinking exactly the same thing as they’ve written. Glad to see I’m not the only one wishing for this, maybe soon, it makes too much sense at this point