Plunderstorm need more rewards!

i love plunderstorm, but this feature need more reward


Like you needed another thread…

[Seems your last one got deleted, lul]

You already get plenty of vanity rewards off it practically at every renown level, of which there’s 40…


thanks to the shop being introduced the grind was MILES easier when compared to the previous blunderstorm.
heck, i got even more mogs out of this than i set out to collect.

im very pleased i dont have to play this anymore.




Well, atleast this time the topic doesnt try insult 90% of the playerbase but yeah, seem like made another thread.


It’s extremely fast to farm.

I made 2k7 plunder by dying just before top 10, for people who farmed the last plunderstorm, it will be done in a week/ 2 weeks without pushing at all.


and i wonder why that is ? :thinking:

Instead of a battlepass theres now a shop where you can spend your plunder.
No more grinding useless junk inorder to get the good stuff.


I already farmed parrot mount by getting plunder and running into storm, good 'ol tactic :smiley: now I need another mount, two pets and I will consider t-mogs but they are not my thing so it should be rather quick farm

Indeed. Makes it so much easier/faster.
I get what I want and I’m done. I don’t mind it that way.


Ah cool.

Yet to check since I’m at work since 4am this morning :grimacing:

I would rather if people played Plunderstorm because they like it and not because they want extrinsic rewards.

Using extrinsic rewards to lure people into doing content they do not enjoy is not a great idea.


Lots of people, like me, dropped it like a hot potato the moment we hit Renown 40 last year.


I hate it and most rewards seem to be lazy recolors, so I will probably skip it.

yes don’t force yourself, but it should add unique rewards for people who like this game mode :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

as long as ur rewards are tied to main game then people will do things to get them.
I like idea though that some rewards should be like only for this mode i.e. alternative attacks in terms for effects etc.

I already got 2 new pets and mounts and I’m done - if not these new rewards I wouldn’t even bother to play it. I hate BR games, so I did what was best - do quest, get plunder and run into storm and repeat.

It’s sad to play something you don’t like :cry:

To be fair, I tried one match and died versus a damn mob and yeah. I’m scared. lol.

I don’t – as I said - I already got two new mounts and pets and I’m done :slight_smile:

what on earth do they need you at 4 am ? some essential or emergency service ?