Plunderstorm season 2 when?

I Hope soon, remix becomes boring after a few days.

Donā€™t care if they do a second season, but either:

  • Keep PvE rewards out of it this time
  • Make it a stand-alone game.

A lot of players hated this feature. :sweat_smile:

No it canā€™t revolutionize anything. New achievements, new transmog, new mounts etc are just same olā€™ same olā€™.

Iā€™m not against a ā€˜season 2ā€™, but for now they should be focussing on the new expansion.
Stuff like Plunderstorm is good for when content is low.

Iā€™d grind mogs again if they did a season 2, even though I did not enjoy myself. Yep, Iā€™m a sucker for painful grinds. :sweat_smile:


As long as they bring it back completely seperate from WoW, with its own rewards and mogs I donā€™t care.
I couldnā€™t stand it personally. It had nothing to do with the game, but I can appreciate others enjoyed it and would like to see it again


No thank. Plunderstorm is hell horrible. I farmed all full ranks as myself pve


This. As a 100% separate minigame itā€™s not even bad, but tying WoW rewards to it made the whole thing an anxiety inducing FOMO machine.


yeah, totally and to rub salt in to the wounds, theyā€™re adding the mogs it had as recolours lol

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I miss plunderstorm, was very fun.

Hopefully soon and we get many more seasons to come, I really enjoyed it, and it would help wow players with their crippling addiction to FOMO understand that itā€™s okay to not grind something you donā€™t like doing and then to go do at something that they do enjoy.


As long as it separated from Wow retail, it would be a nice addition.

With more maps, include random spawn for chest and elites and more mog option in the menu, it would be a niche for sure but might even get some attention in Esport if done correctly.

Iā€™d actually support a season two, though I refused to even klick on the button to switch the game mode - without mog/mount rewards for retail. Would be interesting to see how many people would still play it then; Iā€™d guess barely anybody.

id only support plunderstorm if it had no fomo

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PvP players deserve to be rewarded just like PvE players. The way I see it, they were PvP rewards because they were available through a PvP mode

I kept playing it even after I had acquired all the rewards simply because it was fun

I believe it will be coming back sometime in the future as wowhead already datamined recolours and reskins. Unless those were for the trading post.

Still I would prefer if Plunderstorm becomes a standalone product, perhaps for mobile. I donā€™t want to constantly be distracted from the main game. Just my two cents.

Yeah. They should call it: Battle WoWyal.

Okay, okay, Iā€™ll let myself out. :sweat:


I think because a lot of players only did it for the mogs but have a bad taste in their mouth because they felt ā€œforcedā€ to do itā€¦ the rewards will be even more of a banger the next time around so these same people will have to go through the ordeal again.

I would even bet on it with my Feats of Strength

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The thing is bad taste or not they still helped pump up those metrics. To make a stand you need to really forfeit all rewards to send that kind of message.

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I think they would benefit more if Plunderstorm becomes its own Standalone game, with a engine and system build dedicated to its gameplay.
Likely Free to play with season passes for cosmetics, like other Battle Royale games.


Anxiety inducing over a WoW event? Touch grass, Brenda :heart:

You, me, the forum and the blizzard execs all know thatā€™s not gone happen :sweat_smile:

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