Poda bug - Feidn Death bug

So… I use Poda sometimes. Im aware of how that little ferret works.

Just a few minutes ago I fought a team including Poda.

My active pet was faster than him. I was using tonguelasher. I hit Wrath (forced swap) as he hit Feign Death.

RESULT: Poda went to the back line… as expected. But also kept Feign through the rest of the battle becomming unattackable. I had about 8 or 9 rounds on the little bastard and couldnt get a hit in.

This clearly is a bug.

Please fix.

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Were you using tonguelasher, blightbreath and jademist dancer? From Disco’s video?
The swap ability from that frog causes feigns, portals, dives, fly ups etc to stay for the rest of the match.
You were playing against me and telegraphed the ability so let me win turn one.
I agree it’s definitely broken especially if your opponent predicts it.

If it’s any consolation you played me again running jademist, Warbot and one of those new butterflies.

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Yep I was running Disco’s team. I really like tonguelasher but Im not convinced about the whole team overall.
Like you I changed his Poda team - demolish is a better ability on 50% strike rate for most circumstances.
As for telegraphing - I probably did, there’s usually no reason to overthink and most players have no idea what’s going on. I played ~ 10 games last night and changed teams a few times when I noticed that someone decent was being matched against me. If those games were all against you - we have about a 50/50 split.

Regardless tho - Poda needs a fix. I mean rabbits are almost unattackable as it is - same for frostfur rats - but it’s within a game mechanic. Poda was never supposed to be invunerable for an entire fight.

To be clear, it’s the swap mechanic of Kragwa’s Wrath (and the PvE 5 round stun too…) that is bugged, not Poda. This may sound petty, but I hope a correct phenomenon is filled in bug reports.

Oh I didn’t realise it was bugged? Thought it was working as Activision-Blizzard intended. Seems to be in line with Twilight Meteorite and Hermit Crab in terms of implementation to me.

I dunno how many times I played you Exris I don’t loose half my games. I played some team with hopling and lil bling to. I won think I was using a skyfin. If that’s your team I literally go out of my way to beat it, sorry.

:thinking: OK, I give up.

What’s offensive about Bling & Hopling? I’m not seeing anything at all interesting about it.

Like I said if those battles were against you it would have been half’ish.

As for that team - not mine.

Iv got an insane amount of saved teams - but only 20 or so I would seriously consider for battle - and of those only 5 or 6 that I like for my casual “do a few each week” type of PvP play.

Im at almost 4k wins. 1 more to go and Im in no hurry for it as some of the teams I face are toxic beyond belief and I just want the pain to end.

Years ago I would enjoy countering them - but not so much these days.

As was pointed out earlier I look at Disco’s battles. But I usually use his battles as a base in order to put my own twist on it. The tongelasger one works well with the acid rain - but I really dislike being locked into the 3 round AOE. It’s vunerable to shields - changing weather - all kinda things. It’ll be changed eventually when I finally get a good idea.

REPOSTED under my correct character and not an alt…

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