Point of choosing a realm right now?

other than part of AH, what’s the point of choosing a realm right now? I was checking realm populations and it could easily be reduced to like 10 realms in EU and wouldn’t make that much of a difference.

The only actual thing i can think of is crafters. I think they’re realm locked. Other reason is maybe realm stereotypes. I dont belive in stereotypes tho :sweat_smile:

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argent dawn, its true what they tell you


That we are all very nice people?


yes, and super active!

Not just in Dornogal tho😂

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Argent Dawn high school football rules!

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For the most part you´re correct…

THe only real things that are really realm specific now are the non-stackable AH items (which some people use as a way to make gold, buy cheap on realm X sell for profit on realm Y, using the warband system as the methof od transfer), crafters, and the chat language. And Rp-vs normal is still a notable factor in some situations.

That´s why 10 servers wouln’t work because then 90% of chat would be 3 lines you understand followed ny 120986 lines of “foreign gobbeldygook”, but for everybody. Also, 10*20.000 = 200.000, which I do believe underestimates the number of "consistent"EU WoW players by a factor of approximately 10, and more total capacity is needed to allow for teh heigehtened player counts of new patch releases and special events, so the capacity to allow up to 4-5 million simultaneously seems to be a realistic amount at this time in my view :wink:

Butt, long story short, yes. for ca. 90% or so of the retail game, which server you play on has no significant relevance to your game experience any more :beers:

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Crafting and World activities are all I can think of.

One of my chars are on a full server that is dominated by alliance. It is a lot harder on there than on my lower pop, horde “dominated” server that I use my other characters on.

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Oh breaths is back making threads after this break :frowning:

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You can have stuff crafted by people on other realms if you are in the same guild.

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does that mean you visited goldshire ? :thinking:

of course they are .its sunday

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Shards are still tied to them in some form, very noticeable with WM on where for mine it’s literally always 10+ Alliance to every Horde for supply drops.

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Im from Argent Dawn 0.o whats our stereotype ? Is it based on Goldshire cuz id like to apologise for that place…

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Only thing i can think of is because of language
for example i’m playing on drak’thul/burningblade because most people there are speaking Czech/Slovak language.

Only for m+ ladder pride, pick low pop realm and you can be the the highest rio of your spec :slight_smile:

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I would love to go back to isolated servers and established communities.
If that also means reducing the amount of servers in total, I am all for it.

With the addition of cross-realm mega servers (or however you want to call it), the community aspect simply went down the drain.

I’m actually a regular of Goldshire.

I´ve recently saved two roleplayers in goldshire looking for a roleplay community.

the one last night was super new to the server so I went into its Dm´s n said “the best place to look is in Stormwind since real roleplayers hang there, this place is pretty toxic” It thanked me and off it went to stormwind. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

the other one I met few days ago at the inn and I was dancing and she joined while in roleplay mode, I had a really cool roleplay chat with her and she wanted to join a roleplay guild so I told her to head to stormwind and say that shes super new and wants to join the hobby.

see guys, I’m not just a forum clown <3 I help people too.

So, it was you that i witnessed with that Tauren??? :rofl:

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jokes on you! i play on druid worgen and night elf hah!