(Poll) PvP Vendors in 8.2 ?

Why would I want a PVP vendor if I could not find it? I’d be in a huge disadvantage against people with gear from PvP vendor.


Daily reminder that we need a PVP gear and PVP vendor.


Adding vendor is so huuuge that team of 100 blizzard employes have to code it for months…jito 2019


You can still not enjoy the meta despite your class being overtuned, you know.

Guys you need to understand that as long activision rules, the game will go from bad to worse. They have no clue how to keep an MMO game alive and is proven. You see more players in Diablo 2 than in Diablo 3 or in WoW. If they want to fix the pvp firstly need to take off the alliance buff cause there are no Hordes left to pvp now days. All have WM off.
Bring pvp gear and split the the players as it was in WOTLK for example
But this company won’t learn till wow is dead entirely.

Cute. Very cute.

Uh Alliance is underrepresented

Definitely not on top rankings where the racial actually matters most of the time.

Depends on your class too. Orc is by far the best shaman/hmonk race for example, but yea on top ratings more people are night elf because shadowmeld is so strong against maledict

It is true tho, Hordes were dominating once in PVP and in Wpvp since BC I know it cause i was a part of it. But after the buff somehow alliance start to grow in number and no days i rarely see any Horde with WM on cause is pointless. Is either "make an Alliance for your self or close WM. You think the sudden grow of Alliance PVPers is based on another thing but not to a buff known to all of us?
Another crap part is Alliance are chickens, cause they always attack 5v1. When i see someone 1v1 i never attack cause there is no honor in it. But Alliance and honor cant go together i guess, Or someone lvl up and suddenly get ganged from 3 alliance or 1 rogue 400ilvl +… Someone had a hard chillhood to do such things…Anyway soon you will be left alone to fight between you (civil war) cause there will be no Hordes in Wpvp.

That’s because people are grouped, and the game tries to have faction balance on each shard. You part of a big horde group ? You’ll usually be sync’ed on a shard with several little groups of alliance players that you’ll annihilate. You alone ? Chances are you are on a shard with one big group of the opposing faction hunting down easy preys like you. Rarely there is big group vs big group but it doesn’t last since the first one to lose just disbands.

If you truly believe that, sorry in advance, but you are super dumb. This is not faction related at all. Most lone players don’t attack alone, either horde or alliance. Maybe you do, that’s not the majority. Both faction equally take advantage of outnumbering the enemy for fast kills, quests, honor farming. You just see alliance doing it because you play horde only or mostly, that’s really both sad and terrifying that people with a human brain think for real that players from a faction have real life honor and principles and the other faction doesn’t. Extra dumbness. For real.

Again, if you think horde doesn’t go three on one you are either stupid or deluded. I’ll let you choose. Also, if you think horde rogues don’t ambush busy people because they have honor because they are horde you’re stupid (I don’t let you choose this one). And last, what does that even mean, if you happen to be a 400+ ilvl Rogue you have no right to attack people with WM on because they cry rivers and say it’s not fair ? Idiotic.

Be aware that as long as Alliance has a better bonus it means that there are more horde players with WM on. The bonus is here to encourage the less represented faction to turn WM on. So the faction with the bonus is the faction with the fewer players with WM on. So I’d say we still have a lot of hordes.

Now that you’ve been answered, consider that this thread and poll were about Arena PvP. Far from the jungle that is WPvP.

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you cant call me lier when i am seeing all of these, plus i reported you for language cause clearly you flamed at me, cause you cant face me otherwise and as i said you cant say for example that alliance not attacking 5v1 when i am seeing this happening all the damn time. Anyway cya dude and hope you get baned for some days cause of your language

I will just leave that and will clip it to upload to facebook to show some new logic of a player who cant admit anything :smiley:

You severely misunderstood. These things do happen, that’s right. However they aren’t faction specific. Horde does it just as much. You, as an individual, do not see that because you are horde, so horde won’t 1v5 you. Also, if you yourself refuse to enter Horde raids that hunt down alliance players 1v5, you definitely cannot see it happen. You not seeing it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Tell you what, I’ve never witnessed someone die from being shot. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Don’t you agree ?

Well, when someone says a human being has honor if he plays horde in wow and is a weak coward if he plays alliance in wow, and then when that same someonr implies rogues shouldn’t have the right to attack people in wpvp if they are above heroic ilvl, how can I resist ! I hope you realize these claims have been lacking some brain procress by now. If you don’t, and if yoy truly believe your neighbor would all of a sudden turn into a real life war hero by playing horde, or into a real life cowardly slimeball by playing alliance, you have issues. No one sane can believe video game and real life are intertwined line that.

Oh and, what of people who play both factions equally then ? Real life traitors, double agents with no loyalty with who you should never get involved with lest you be cheated on ? Just ridiculous.

Sadly, you won’t make the buzz. I did not even that last part you quoted. This is Blizzard official explanation as to how Warmode bonus works. You can find it written on their official website, so, uploading what I copy past on forum on facebook won’t make you shine. Sorry.

Little lesson here : at the start if BfA when there was no bonus horde was dominating WPvP (at least in numbers). Because of that less and less alliance players were turning it on, they’d rather do WQs undisturbed than gain a 10% bonus. Seeing that Blizzard decided to increase the bonus and gove AOO quest to motivate alliance to turn WM back on, so at to balance the numbers. The also said that the amplitude of the bonus would be proportional to the faction imbalance. The more severe the imbalance, the higher the bonus. That would make a lot of alliance turn wm on, reducing the imbalance, and reducing the bonus next reset. Blizzard hoped people would then KEEP WM on, and because of a little bonus and a lesser imbalance, even more alliance would turn it on until balance, and that would make 10% bonus for both factions. Obviously that didn’t work as intended but that’s not the topic.
The bonus followed the WM population. If for some reason there were more alliance than horde, alliance wouldn’t have a bonus anymore, but horde would. Which means as long as alliance has a bonus there are more hordes wity WM on. This isn’t my invention it is how it works, and that was announced officially by Blizzard !

Instead of uploading basic stuff on FB log on either worldofwarcraft.com and go to patch notes, find the one talking about WM bonus, you’ll find EXACTLY what I wrote.

It is also written in a blue post on US forum, if you still have doubts (you know, in case I can hack the official website to back up my “wrong logic”).

Go check, and then come back…

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You dont need poll for that. Everebody want vendor. Blizzard know this too. They just dont want vendor in their slot machine game.

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There is no point to have PvP vendors if all of the best gear in the game is from PvE content.

There is a point because alot of pvp players do not participate in pve content

I would like them to do the same pvp gearing system as in first expansions. Where you had to have certian rating to buy gear and not a plain vendor where everyone can just purche whatever they want and be done with it.

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PvP gear should not be good for PvE
PvE gear should not be good for PvP

Simple as that.

it s 2134 votes = 94% yes so far …