Add 1 per-spec aura buff that’s applied in dungeons and 1 per-spec aura buff that’s applied when in raids to every spec. Increase the relevant spec aura buff values by 3 or 5% with each weekly reset if the spec was among the least popular for the previous week in dungeons (for the dungeon buff) or raids (for the raid buff).
No automatic nerfs, only the accumulating 3% or 5% buffs.
Zero effort self balancing system to avoid a stale meta or specs feeling left out for long periods of time.
Self balancing because undertuned / unfun / badly designed specs are likely not played as much and hence get automatically buffed until they reach a level where their bad design is counter acted by the raw numbers provided via the buff.
Would manual, well timed and well reasoned buffs be better? Yes but we tried that for 20 years and while there are usually really great changes coming in week 1 or 2 after a new season (which should still happen), there seem to always be a couple specs that are left behind entirely or the changes are just too little, too late.
Baseline Balancing
The current baseline balancing is already in a good state, particularly when looking at raw single-target damage. Most specs are within a few percentage points of each other, with only occasional outliers at the top or bottom.
This level of balance should remain the goal and serve as the foundation for further adjustments.
Popularity-Based Adjustments
On top of this baseline, introduce 1 per-spec aura buff that’s applied when in dungeons and 1 per-spec aura buff that’s applied when in raids to every spec.
The dungeon and raid per-spec buffs are entirely separate from one another, a spec can receive an increase to either, both or neither of those buffs in a given reset. The value is never reduced, it only increases every week (for the least popular) or stays the same (for those specs not among the least popular).
To determine the least popular specs for the dungeon buff: Attendance of Mythic+ with completed Keystone level 7 or higher runs of the last week
To determine the least popular specs for the raid buff: Attendance of the last (2?) heroic raid boss kills of the last week.
DPS: Increase damage done by 5% (or 3%) for the 5 - 6 least popular DPS specs of the last week.
Healers: Increase damage done and healing done by 5% (or 3%) for the 2 least popular healer specs of the last week.
Tanks: Increase damage done, healing done and maximum HP by 5% (or 3%) for the 2 least popular tank specs of the last week.
The value should be noticeable each week and hence ideally not be below 3%. While there might be the theoretical danger that a class might be so bad that it can accumulate 10 or more weeks of buffs (resulting in aura buff values of 30% or even 50%), that should not be the case in practice except for cases with really terrible spec design and there it’s more a feature than a bug: the spec apparently needed it.
Benefits and Implications
Self-Balancing Ecosystem
As buffs accumulate for underrepresented specs, they naturally become more attractive. This creates a feedback loop where meta shifts occur organically as buffed specs gain popularity and once a spec becomes popular enough another spec replaces it as the buff recipient for the next week.
Reward for Complexity or Unpopular Playstyles
Specs that are challenging or less enjoyable to play gain compensation in the form of performance boosts.
Smoother Progression Over Time
This system makes content progressively more accessible as the season progresses, aligning with existing design philosophies in raids.
For Mythic+, this is less of a concern due to its endless scaling nature, key levels will just get higher.
Key Consideration: No Automatic Nerfs
It’s critical to avoid automatic nerfs based on popularity, as this would lead to negative sentiment and unnecessary toxicity. Adjustments should focus solely on uplifting underrepresented specs rather than penalizing popular ones.
How does it work with new seasons?
Reset the buff on expansion launch.
For new seasons divide accumulated percent by 3 or 5, as if the spec received 1% instead of the 3%/5% per week. Ignore the buff entirely for baseline balancing for the new season.