Portal to broken isles

Hello! i need big help. I cant get to Dalaran in broken isles.
Im lvl 102 Monk Horde. I dont get any pop-up quest thats stated that will happen. i do think i already done some quest tho. I have the ring “Mark of Orgrimmar” and some quest to do couple of things outside orgrimmar and this duell i´ve done.
I cant find any portal to dalaran or aszuna, cant find khadgar or his servent. im clueless now and im not a experienced wow player. Pls help me

Ask a Mage.

The only portal to broken isles available is to Aszuna.

ye i have the portal on other chars but this one i dont. and i cant figure out what happend or how to fix it

Isn’t continuation on the ship in Orgrimar harbor ?

Dont i need quest for that in that case? cuz i dont have any quests

Do you mean Stormwind Harbour?

Check around the gates of Orgrimmar in Durotar.

No i mean Orgrimar harbor
There are ships east from gates.

ye i know but i dont have any quest for that

what is your last quest ?

Do you checked in Orgrimmar’s board?
I knew Legion’s quest dont pop. When go check board

I mean this

He have ring mark of orgrimar so it poped for him

Try talking to wolfrider at gates ,he should offer you scenario.

Look for any of the top quests that you do have.
Delete them.
Take them back, maybe it works.

Does Zen Pilgrimage take you to your class hall, where there may be a Dalaran portal?

I hope this helps, apologies if it doesn’t. I’m not a monk, yet.

If the last thing you did was the ring quest then your next step should be

You can read the full guide here:-

If you’ve done the Broken Shore battle on another character previously you should have a dialogue option with the NPC outside Orgrimmar to skip that.

He done scenario ,all good.

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