Portals removed

They said they will put CoT portal back! Personally not fan of deeprun tram, totally not because i tend to drop from the stupid train every other trip i make… Iron forge needs postal to portal room, asking for a dwarf friend!


Ahh good old Ironforge, It’s still the place I go to use the AH.

Ofcourse the Stormwind lags have been reduced significantly with the new shard coding. But It’s still the best place to port, use AH then heartstone or use the ring back to Boralus. I’m acctually glad it’s pretty empty since it allows me to do my buisness even faster.

On a second note thou… I still don’t understand why blizzard won’t invest in a “looking back” team who can try to both update textures, quests and just overall interest in old zones, Whould be kind of nice to see some new quests that could be done both on new and old characters to complete some lose ends of some zones alt. start new plots regarding perhaps azerite which convieniently just affects Silithus and a few Islands.

I propose a new chapter tier called “Epic Chapters” once you have completed all the cataclysm story chapters for a zone you unlock “epic chapters” which will update the level scaling to 120 and the whole zone. This whould give a team on blizzard some playroom to make new content in and update the zones to fit a world “post the wound”.

Could had been nice to see a “Arathi Basin-esque” revamp of zones aswell… Then perhaps Astranar whould stop being bombed now… Those horde has been on it since war of thorns and I’m not sure as to why the Island haven’t turned into a crater yet.

Your argument is silly, you can go to and from Stormwind any time you like plus all portals to other places are in Stormwind in addition to Boralus. Isn’t that utility? Double standards much? It has nothing to do with me not liking RPG games. They really made Ironforge and Exodar even more dead than before in favor of SW. Would you be ok if portal to Boralus was not in SW? If it was in Stranlethorn Vale so you have to fly there to get back to Boralus from SW?

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A KT at level 20 starts at Bora and when you enter portal room its only to SW which saddens me because it would be good to level in other zones for a change and not forced to SW.


Where is ironforge portal?
where’s darnassus portal?

did horde not get portal to one of their main cities too?

Reads comments.

Shrugs in Kirin Tor.


In all honesty you are not forced to. You can just take the tram and go to IF. It’s not like you have to walk.

Wanna buy a portal? ;;;;;;}}}}}

I use IF over SW, when it is possible. I don’t want to set my foot in SW.

My preference was Darnassus, but appartently this city wasn’t good enough for the developers. They better grow a new tree, wich can work as a functional capitol, so I can move back home. Quite frankly, I am quite baffled how they can say flying makes the world feel smaller, when in reality, stuff like how they treat the different races capitols, are making the world tiny.


I’m levelling a Zanda and KT in that RP group and I think I’ve only seen another player once. It’s quite eerie lol.

If you want to see a ghost town head on over to Silvermoon. Lack of flying and awkward to get to killed it off. It was reasonably busy in TBC as it was new but after that you make a belf and get out of there asap. I don’t know if the RPers even make much use of it these days. They used to frequent the inns there mainly but not seen that in a long time.


Silvermoon does sound like ghostown although I go there from time to time to enjoy the music and beauty of landscape


I spent a lot of time there in tbc. Probably used the battlemasters there more than anywhere else as all I needed was in easy reach so parked chars there and it all looks very impressive. Just a shame it’s so underused now.

Going to the OP, the mages stood at the entrance to the SW portal room have been the means to get to blasted lands when levelling a char Alliance side. Do they not still send you there when you’ve gone beyond that content?

you would portal to the mage that lets you switch timeline and then next time you go you will be there?

With UC I can just talk the timey whimey npc dragonlady and I go back to a working city. Can you do that with Darnassus?

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Yes, but for some reason it reset itself when you leave the zone, so you can never portal directly to Darnassus. You always end up on the beach of Darkshore.

Same happens for undercity portal in org.

Is that an aeroplane flying over your head?

Miss the point by miles much.

Well that’s a pain. So far my UC has stuck. It catches me by surprise every time I appear in the sewers.


Once you switch the view it goes back to the way it was and you are teleported directly into Undercity. The tower portals are visible directly after switching the view.