Possible bot fix

Let’s just say there is roughly 1k bot accounts per realm (as an example). If Blizz make the change to that you can’t buy a boost char option on a new account until you have atleast 1 max lvl char on that account… much like the DK req for, but just more harder.

That way every single new bot account need the botter to reach max lvl no matter what, and even without questing in DF and only killing mobs, is going to take a long time without the DRF

They play Evokers if you hadn’t noticed, which start at level 58… which require a level 50 toon first.

And bots getting to 50 is trivial.

not if Blizz make it that that you need to have a max lvl char before Evokers or make Evokers start from lvl 1

I’m not really a big fan of solutions that also punish the general playerbase.

Imagine buying the Epic edition of TWW to find oh sorry you can’t use half the stuff included because we are going to force you to level first.

You can see the fallout with Classic Era/Hc/SoD atm where they are being affected by an anti botting practice but it’s penalising lots of new/returning players from using basic facilities like AH, mailbox etc.


they need to bring in REAL ID per account ,
and make Mail box and auction use impossible without reaching max level on 1 char

and new accounts should go through a process of authentication

blizz likes bots, as it means more MAUs and more $ for them


Imagine buying a game and paying a monthly fee, just to play with your friends, but they unsub a month after bc of bots ruining AH prices.

Yes it may harm new players too, but the game is meant to be played. Otherwise just make the game where everybody is max lvl, remove old content, lore, achievements, AH, mail and crafting.

So instead of unsubbing for bots they’d unsub because they are barred from the AH all together?

I don’t think these are good solutions. There have to be better ways.

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So all in all, you think the game is better at it is, with ppl paying Blizz money to skip the gameplay.

I don’t know about you guys/girls, but i prefer to explore and play the content i actully payed for.

Exactly, you prefer.

Some people are buying a game version with a boost included with the sole intention of playing with their friends.

At this moment leveling is so fast that boosts are basically useless.


Their aproach to detect and ban bots is just not good. They should setup a small group of people that scout zones flag bots and study them. Learn why they bot. Farming old world stuff for rare pet/mount drops? Buff the drop rates then so there is no need for botting. They farm gold to sell? Then start tracing where the gold goes to and the way they get rid of it without getting banned. They definitely don’t get banned. We haven’t seen a mass ban on retail for years. They only care about classic botters.

Just look at wow token prices. It is a perfect indicator if the botting is way too high or not. They removed a bunch of gold source in DF like no callings, paragon boxes give way less gold, removed mission tables etc yet token cost a lot more than when there was passive goldmaking in the game. Ask the question why…

As I said. Scout bots flag them study them. Learn what they farm change those items then. The way they laundry the gold and figure out a way to force them to stop. Just a simple ban is not enough. There is always ways to fix botting the only question is, is there anyone smart enough to come up with ways to make it impossible.

Sad truth is bots will always be around. They are buying accounts and subs so it is good for the company. Token price is extremely high because of botting. If token was 200k people would be less likely to spend 20 bucks or euro to buy one than when it sells for nearly 400k.

That wouldn’t solve it.

They need to create bots that find other bots and ban them. Would be nice if they did it with the AH ones too. Bots are a cancer on this game.