Possible Light and Void expansion after SL?

And I don’t think having story with the place is that relevant for gnomes. The whole point of them is their forward-looking nature. Pining about what was lost decades ago doesn’t really fit them, if they have a new, modern techno-wonderland in front of them. Let gnomes progress towards the future.

To be sure, I’d much prefer it if the dungeon parts of the city weren’t the only ones we could enter in the game, but that’s another matter entirely. I’m mostly talking lore here, and in that regard Mechagon is a real gnomish city.

Sure. Anything could. There is just nothing specific about Gnomeregan that would make it better suited for that. If you put the ressources in, Toshley’s outpost in Outland could be made into a city that’s at the heart of tons of different scenarios.

Story-wise? Sure. In the game? I’m not seeing it. You can have players test whacky inventions, but you can’t really make them try out therapeutic methods that might work with traumatized lepers in the long term.

Good that we can agree on that.

Fair enough, I didn’t think about that but that makes sense. I think it’s cool that races have different visions of what’s important and where they belong in the world

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Then maybe clean the place up, and donate to frost trolls :stuck_out_tongue:

IMO if there would be a goal to give all animations to both faction, that would’ve been the most “natural” way to add the gnome ones to the horde, given some horde-aligned presence established already.

gl hf

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Why invest into it, just to give it to people who prefer to live in the rubble of history? You’re not making sense!

Hey, living in the rubble of history feels great. We have no toxic radiation down there :sunglasses: Just have to deal with starving Blood Gods on occasions

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