Possible Quality 5 - Blacksmithing - 447 gear?

Howdy folks, is it possible to guarantee quality 5, 447 crafted gear for blacksmithing profession?

In short, yes.

I specialized in weapons and have (with all rank 3 materials) 342 skill for 330 needed for a guaranteed rank 5 if you add an embelishment and want to define the stats you need an illustrious insight (you can only use as the crafter - and if you want it crafted this might get somewhat expensive) to make up for the 40 additional difficulty for rank 3 ones (25 for embelishment + 15 to specify stats).

You can use another item with insight for ~100g that adds an additional 40 skill instead of the stable fluid stuff! Not gona lie I didn’t realise that until today and I’ve done over a thousand crafts, lol!

Edit : reactive phial. Adds multi craft AND 40 inspiration :slight_smile:

Well, i am full at armorsmith and i also have best tools + best enchant (Inspiration) for the hammer. In order to be able to guarantee 447 boots for example i need to level and hammer control? Safety smithing and poignant plans all way to 30 both?

Ah right, so I have that all maxed out too, yeah. I believe that increases your general BS skill and inspiration %/bonus? Sorry I maxed that out quite a while ago! Have you also got all the points in boots? 30/30? I can proc max 447 on everything, shield, helm, chest for example. And those are currently 1/30 but I’m maxed in all the other possible boosts, so inspiration does proc to max level

First of all i appreciate the answers! I will try to be clear now.

My equipment

Khazgorite blacksmiths toolbox - 372
Flameproof Apron - 372
Black dragon hammer - 391 + enchanted 40 insp.

My specializations

Armorsmith: Full
weaponsmith: 30/30 maces & hammers, 30/30 Hafted, 10/30 weaponsmithing

My question

Let’s say that i want to craft a primal molten sabatons 447 ilvl with draconic missive of fireflash Q3 and armor spikes emblishment Q3. The skill that i need is 370. The skill that i have with ilustrous insight use is 332. Therefore i need 38 skill points more via specialization talens in order to guarandee Q5 or i always will need the inspiration proc to achiev that?

You’re missing the hammer control tree then aren’t you? I’m not ingame so can’t remember the names of it all … I know that you need the one for extra skill and inspiration but without logging in I can’t say much more. I haven’t tried that phial I mentioned earlier on in the thread, so I can’t comment on that, however if that’s an additional 40 insp I imagine you can 100%. Your base skill + specific item skill + insight + phial should be ample in armor and perhaps weapon?

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Check with Craftsim addon for mising points, but you surely need Hammer Control which gives skill.
Filling Hammer Control tree gives you 40 skill points, for guaranteed craft you wont need Poignant plans and Safety smithing.


Reactive phial dont give skill, only gives higher chance to inspiration to proc Q5.

Thanks a lot m8!

The 372 points I mentioned in the previous post are maxed out, including base skill, maxed tools, all skillpoints and the insight. So you need the insight and can only miss out on 2 points along the way.

You need at least 88/90 points. towards a weapon or armor slot (base spec, sub spec, and specific), also the base node of hammer control yields points you need for a guarantee.

For the guarantee you need:

  • Khaz’gorite blacksmiths toolbox, Flameproof Apron, Black dragon hammer (or Khaz’gorite blacksmith’s hammer) - the levels and enchantments are irrelevant as they only yield secondaries.
  • 100/100 Blacksmithing of the Dragon Isles
  • Rank 3 materials
  • 30/30 points: Hammer Control, Armor Smithing, Sculpted Armor, Sabatons
  • Ilustrious Insight

The 2 points you can miss out are either in the 4 knowledge nodes, the base Blacksmithing of the Dragon Isles or (if Craft Sims is correct) you use 1 rank2 and only 13 rank 3 primal molten alloys.

Reactive Phial is an optional reagent for alchemy, you can’t use for blacksmithing.
For blacksmithing you can use Stable Fluidic Draconium, but this does not add skill or inspiration (chance) but only the skill inspiration add IF it procs, like the special of the Black Dragon Hammer.

We are talking about a guaranteed craft if I am not way of, so no Inspiration (and therefore Poignant Plans) is not necessary.

I want to talk a little about Inspiration:
The stat increases your chance to gain additional skill. This maxes out (depending on the specific recipe) around 40%-45%. 40 inspiration stat would yield additional 4% chance. The skill a succesfull proc yields depends on the recipe difficulty and is modified via the poignat plans specials perks (0/30, 10/30, 20/30 and 30/30) and said Stable Fluidic Draconium and the special of the Black Dragon Hammer.

Q3 Mats/optionals(ie. Missive) and Insight - without embelishment = guaranteed 447 (if the crfater is fully specialized and geared)
with embelishment it’s up to inspiration.

It is not.
As I explained 372/370 (for the example sabatons) is possible with an Illustrious Insight. 370 is the difficulty with missive and embelishment (280 + 50 + 15 + 25).

There might be a few recipes you can not guarantee (I know the weapon enchantments cant be guaranteed rank 3), but the sabatons can be guaranteed and I don’t know of any blacksmithing recipes that can’t be guaranteed.

However recrafting takes previously used materials into account and there might be situations where you can’t guarantee rank 5 for a specific recraft even if you would be able to guarantee a new craft.
In this situation you may several recrafts - I remember an interview with a developer explaining a recraft “replaces” the worst 40% of used materials with the current recraft materials.

Dude I literally bought some using the mobile app. Logged in and read them lol! I was confused as to how I had never realised before. Thank you for pointing that out before I had chance though haha

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