The AoE DPS for Havoc can easily be stellar, however, single-target suffers as they’re largely the same abilities used so buffing them would make AoE DPS goes nuts.
This is my idea:
Isolated Prey, Passive: The damage of some of the Demon Hunter’s abilities is increased by up to (amount based on AP) when there are no other targets within 10 yards of the Demon Hunter.
I think 10 yards is the range of Eyebeam. This would increase single-target DPS without messing around too much with AoE DPS and the only way it can be improved without improving AoE DPS too much.
Also considering DHs current kit, it’s a far cry to state their aoe is stellar. Mediocre at best, you only think it’s stelar because it’s being compared to havoc st dps.
And the issue with buffing Chaos Strike is that to make it single-target worthy without touching the other things Havoc would be reduced to pressing Chaos Strike only on single-targets. And that’s boring. In order to give HDH a proper rotation, the other abilities have to be buffed as well and that would have consequences on their AoE abilities. And with Glaive Tempest the AoE damage of HDH is high. Which is a boring talent lock essentially as it removes options, the answer would be to lower the damage on Glaive Tempest and distribute it to Blade Dance and Eyebeam.
Given the other things that Ion has said, such as “we like the choice tanks have to make between survivability or damage,” when only Protection Warrior Tanks have to do it and that thing makes them the worst tank by far of all tanks, I believe that the current devs are massively incompetent instead of wanting to punish the players, or at least Ion who makes the final decisions is.
Another supportive claim to this is that the mechanic of % damage adding was removed from Hunters, yet was enhanced on Warriors since it was gameplay enhancing. That’s cognitive dissonance where they’re simultaneously for and against what’s basically the same thing.
Wow, let’s buff an extremely limited ability that only happens when you use a long cooldown. Unless it’s buffed to insane levels it solves nothing and makes DH even more cooldown dependent.
Your solution is extremely limited and does nothing to solve the issue of making the spec more fun to play, it actually does the opposite as it locks the spec into using two abilities, one of they’ve Demon Blades against single-targets.
And it would further force the DH to spec into Demonic to get that Eyebeam Meta.
Annihilation is already a big part of our ST damage and the rotation at around 20% haste (from gear) can be a one button rotation cycle if you want it to be.
Designing this and not seeing a problem with it, is probably the real problem.
As I said, the devs are massively incompetent when it comes to the actual class design. The changes to Arms have sought to reduce damage and it has just resulted in the damage being hugely swingy instead which is good for no one. Under optimal conditions, a 3.5k MS hit can crit for 13.5k. The hit feels like a whiff and the optimal crit just deletes a character on mid health. No one is satisfied.
Its one thing to reduce the damage on next target by squared, but on top of the cap seems a bit much. I mean tweaking some of those numbers would be a start for a better HDH i think