Not sure if this is the right place but here it goes
Personally I think a good way to solve all the toxicity around dungeons and raids and people not being able to get not certain content due to “gear scores” and being “bad at the game”, and other reasons there might be, is . . .
capitalize on the follower dungeon system, make every dungeon at every level of difficulty a follower dungeon, every raid a follower raid and every time you enter one you gate different sets of AI allies to do it within various different Builds for each class.
so how it would work is follower dungeons and raids would be mandatory by every player to recognize how much skill you have as a player using the logs, so if you stand in ground crap and don’t move or you don’t debuff the tank or heal that DPS, the follower dungeon will record all of this data and at the end of the dungeon the game tell you . . Look, you stood in poison for 10 seconds in this fight and the recommended time to be stood in that poison is 2 seconds during this run so you get a score of 4 out of 10, and you need a score of 8 out of 10 to unlock the next difficulty of the dungeons or raids.
As you get higher in the dungeons or raids the follower also get harder, so let’s say you have the gear and the gear score for mythic 5 in for that dungeon or that raid, the follower version would be mythic 6 or 7, and if you can’t do the follower version you don’t get access to that level of dungeons or raids, but you have to do these follower dungeons 5 times in a week all in 1 day or throughout the week your choice and get good results at least 4 times out of 5 to level up.
however these follower mythic dungeons and raids will have NO LOOT, NO GOLD, NO MOUNTS, NO COSMETICS they are solely for improving your personal skill at the game, at your class, at your rotation in a scenario similar to playing with real people at that content of the game and that is it. if you don’t want to do that well then you don’t get to do higher tiers of difficulty of the game and that is your choice.
the beauty of this everybody gets to experience all of the content and story of the game, the difference being if you can’t do the follower version at a good enough level you are ultimately locked out of the higher difficulty versions you wont be able to que for them or even create groups for them if you can do the follower version you can do a regular that simple and no one can say otherwise, but if you mess up in a regular mythic dungeon you will have no excuse for it since you had to do the follower version and should know the mechanics and you earned the right to do regular mythics, but my thing + won’t have if you have gotten to and unlocked mythic + level there really isn’t any excuse for your failures and you deserve to be kicked.
if people want to pay for being boosted in some why through these then well blizzard need to work better on catching these people and banning them
At the end of the day it is just a game and you will get to experience all of the content the game has to offer.
this is just my thoughts and opinions, not looking for some silly argument