Hello friends,
I want to create my first post ever to talk about PvP, specifically World PvP (WPvP), to draw attention of WoW game designers and developers to create better environment for PvP community, to give them ideas and to make WPvP fun and valuable again. Loss of attraction to WPvP is undeniable truth, but some of the players still wanders around the world, looking for enemies to fight. We, players who love WPvP or PvP in general, can gather here on this topic, can exchange some ideas.
Since we did not get any improvements about WPvP in Shadowlands, now, I wanted to, at least share this -probably not unique- idea to create some spark in PvP community.
For a long time, I was hoping to see some kind of PvP mode, a long lasting battlefield, non-instanced but bound to one zone at a time, 24/7, pure WPvP with valuable weekly quest rewards. Something like;
- Large-scaled Arathi Basin-like, in one of the old contested zones
- One round lasts one week and occurs on one zone at a time (no flying on current battle zone)
- Goal is controlling objective points and do PvP quests near objectives
- Weekly hard quests that requires farming, like, 2000 Honorable kills, 1000 honorable kills near the objective (defending or attacking), etc… with good reward. This way players will spend more time on battlefield and battle will continue all week long.
- Maybe some easy/short quests for casual players that enjoy large-scaled PvP but not able to invest many hours in game.
- Ranking system like we had in BfA (Soldier of the faction, Assassin, etc…) but more of them to show hierarchy on current battle, and show important titles on map
- At the end of the round, grant a reward or buff to faction that controls most of the objective points and start another round on another contested zone. This reward should be symbolic and least impactful beside weekly farming quest rewards, because main objective is fighting’s itself, on the field. Example reward: 5k gold to all players of that faction. (one reward per account)
This will allow players to have fun, get rewards while doing World PvP and at the same time, allow players to travel to old zones and most importantly, creates endless PvP content.
Most of the rules are very flexible, but some of them should stay as it is, in my opinion. For example, if weekly quests can be done easily in a day, this game mode will lost its value instantly. And, if ending reward gains more value than weekly quests, same story, because players would join the battle only at final hour, and rest of the time, battlefield will be empty as before.
I know too many players who loves PvP have great ideas on their mind and I want to learn them and I want WoW Game Designers and Developers to see them. Let’s share ideas here, and give feedback to each other, like, some kind of theory crafting. Who knows, maybe we draw some attention and get some love for the PvP!
I wish you a healthy day,
Thank you.