Possible Timeskip in Dragonflight

Since a lore wise 1 year, or less, expansion spans over more in real world time a time skip of a fairly small number of years is not likely to even make up for that, so unless they actually update the in game world to reflect otherwise, as far as I am concerned it really changes nothing, our characters will still be stuck in years that lasts for way past the calendar’s 12 months, and likely to be way ahead of where they really ought to be lore wise, at very least having awkwardly experienced the same holidays several times within an actual lore year for the last past many years.

I used to keep rather strict track of time on my characters, until I realized that didn’t actually work at all in this game, and really only brought frustration, so now I just resigned to the fact that it’s timey whimey and adapt and roll to whatever suits the situation or the people I play with.

It’s not ideal for immersion or feeling consistency of character, but non the less it’s the only thing that actually makes sense when RP’ing in this game, even if it doesn’t really.

It’s simply just the fact of how RP happens to work in this game, like it or not.

You can pretend it isn’t of course to a certain degree, but that’s just denial of cold facts, the actual reality of this game, both how it works as a RP game in it self, but perhaps more importantly also on a meta level, that is in relation to actual reality.

You can fight it, but honestly what is the point, you might as well refuse to acknowledge the color green is actually green, and not red like you thought it ought to be, you are not going to win, and nothing good will come from it, quite on the contrary.

If it’s broke then accept that it is broke and try to get the best out of that fact of reality, hammering on it for sure will only make it even worse.

Well, that went a little beyond the topic of this thread, but there you have, a wall of text ramble on the state of WoW as a RP game.