Possible Timeskip in Dragonflight

I have recently watched this video, and it seems there might be a timeskip in Dragonflight…

The question arises…how are we going to treat it while RPing if that happens?
For example if blizz decides that Dragonflight is happening in 700 years.

Interesting to hear your thoughts.

(1) Timeskip CONFIRMED in Dragonflight! What does it Mean? - YouTube

Genn would be dead and not chatting to Turalyon and Shaw.
7 years may be a better example.
And lorewise, most things we experience over two years happen in one, so we’re sort of out of time as it is.

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I hope that it won’t be a hundred years skip, cause I bet there will be a lot of RPers who will pretend that it didn’t happen, but than a lot of RPers who want to try new race to RP, well, they might have a hard time…Anyways it may be a very missleading thing…

It isn’t.
The humans and orcs are still alive and well.

You are right, makes sense


unless they change the dialog
“several” is usually a reserved for an amount that exceed 2 (as that would be a couple) but also doesn’t exceed a dozen.
several can safely be assumed to be somewhere between 3-5 years or a little higher.
such as 7.


The way I plan to treat it with my group is that we was holding and maintaining the armistice and peace whilst settled down in some village. Now we are active again from the stagnation and hear about more news travelling about new lands and enemies appearing.

We report to our Horde CoC and we will go from there.

I have also offered my guildies an alternative to this if it goes through and when (Because I’m certain there will be one if it makes it through to beta) that they also took their own time away from our group and maybe they’re now on the path to refinding and refalling under our banner again. We start the group up again fully with one another and go out to face what ever there is to face.

Hope that might help some other groups out there who are also unsure on what to do.

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:DDDDD Good one)

Hasn’t there been a theorized timeskip in the lead up to every expansion since Warlords of Draenor? I SWEAR we just had this discussion a couple of years ago about Battle for Azeroth leading into Shadowlands.

Also I doubt they would ever perform a jump in the timeline beyond a few years, period. Just the logistical nightmare alone of having to make new models for major lore characters, remodel them, cast new voice actors, and change the existing game feels like enough reason to not do it.

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This isn’t a theorised or speculated time skip. It’s outright said by important NPCs in the PTR. It can still be edited out but at this point, it’s still there.

Without directly copy and pasting entire conversations…


Shaw: Several years have passed since Azeroth’s heroes returned from the realms of Death.


Lor’themar Theron says: Several years have passed quietly since our forces returned from the shadowlands.

Regarding character models, Blizzard has been pretty crafty. The only youthful main cast character that they have is currently stuck in the Maw where time and space work in funky ways. The rest are either irrelevant or fully mature and don’t need to be given an update unless over a decade has passed.

You can bet that they won’t change the game world to reflect this though, outside of maybe another minor update for Stormwind City.

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Personally I’m probably just going to ignore it.
The only references are those two lines saying several years which can be anywhere from 3 to 7, making it difficult to gauge.
They also haven’t updated Azeroth to show it, so I just don’t see why I would go through the headache of having to think why my characters’ personalities have remained static for that long.


This is the main offense. Without a world update, timeskips are meaningless


I think Eitrigg and Drek’thar should be goners at this point then. How long do these “super-old” Orcs live?

I am perfectly fine with a few years, though it can make some roleplay situations a bit complicated. For now we just have to wait until we know more. Knowing the wow player base, no one is going to accept a vague “few years”. We want to know the exact numbers. Blizzard will surely tell us, or we find it in the next novel that is released around the pre-patch.

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As one of the immortal undead. Several years is nothing worth getting excited over.
If you’re one of those who don’t want to timeskip, I’m sure you can find a time anomaly to fall into that’ll put you in stasis for the duration.


I´d say even worse offense is not telling us how long the timeskip actually is, or even how long Slands itself was.
One person can say Slands took 2 months and timeskip took 3 years. Other can say Slands took a year and timeskip took 7 years. Both are equally correct in their statements on how much time passed since the end of BfA.


Hopefully they will give us that much in the tie-in noval (assuming there is coming one)
I will loath them for it, but at least it might be an actual number.

Problem is that the novel releases on November 22, which is going to be during the pre-patch (as there´s no way Blizzard releases Dragonflight in second half of December), when we should lorewise be in the post-timeskip year.

Well, they write “several” in both the Horde and Alliance texts. Some professor (found via Google) puts ‘several’ at about 3-9 years.

Hopefully, Blizzard will give us an exact number…