Possible Timeskip in Dragonflight

I’ll say it again, they should revamp the world along with the timeskip aswell. As someone pointed out to me in another thread we’ve been about double as long in Cataclysm than we’ve been in actual vanilla. I shall gladly toss two or three raidtiers onto the sacrificial altar to get a cohesive and updated world that reflects the current day.


They have Anduin like 40 new models last expansion alone, I don’t think a new model is that big of a deal.

i can honestly ignore that because i’ve been fitting like 3 christmases into every 1 canonical year ever since i got to WoW

The exact way time ticks doesn’t really matter, but a skip without an update is just nothing at all.


Once we know how long the timeskip is, I’ll figure out what Coldshade would’ve done during that time period. But, since she’s an elf and <10 years isn’t that much for them, I do not plan on any drastic changes.

As some others have said here, the in-universe passing of time and the IRL passing of time have been out of sync for a while now. One expansion is only one year canonically while being up to two or three IRL. Most of us have ignored that and have just let our characters age up in real time, rather than with Blizzard’s timeline.

This timeskip – as long as its not more than a decade – won’t have much of an impact besides just fixing the discrepancy between the two measurements of time. I certainly don’t plan on having to change my RP for it.

She did an extremely complicated puzzle.

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As long as plot allows. Genn is in his 90’s, too but worgenization keeps him spry.

That’s my… well, not expectation knowing blizzard but of we get anything at all, that’s where it’s going to be semi-reliably inserted as we hopeless romantics will buy a bad book for a lick of lore.

Frankly the only people that would be seriously affected by a skip of 2-5 years would be child RPers (kek) and 80 year old humans that might just drop dead. In fact most races won’t give a damn. oh no my elf is 478 instead of 476 what a tragedy. My draenei sneezes and decades pass.

The vast majority of people I know have long stopped using specific numbers for character age anyway since they announced every expansion was 1 year (Which frankly was always dumb and I’ve actually been wanting a “skip” for ages) and threw everything out of whack for RP comunities. I know I’ve just put “Adult/Young Adult/Middle aged” for a long while now.

If anything a skip of a few years would bring the timeline back up to where you might be if you were RPing along with real time years. So for most RPers nothing would practically change one way or another.

And unless something changes it seems very little of note happened in those years (Else it would be mentioned). So this is already a damn sight more preferable to the timeskip in SWTOR, where 5 years passed and entire wars happened and factions collapsed in that time and many RP hotspots were effectively nuked until long after the expansions concluded.

I fully expect this time gap to be covered in a mandatory Golden novel in the near future but unless that reveals something wild, I think it is pretty simple to just say what your character has been up to in a few years.

And if you’re worried about characters drastically changing or powering up from experience or what have you, consider in real life how much you yourself might change in only 2-3 years. I know I don’t, especially long after becoming an adult. You simply would not get a drastic change unless you were a child or teenager.


You clearly miss the point. This is all the means by which Blizzard can justify yet another model update for Anduin upon the return of the King.


A person is more than just their age though. If your character is a novice mage who recently started studying under an archmage, then the timeskip jumps right through that. 3 years in an entire bachelor’s degree in real life.
What if your character recently suffered a big loss? Oops, skip ahead a couple years, all your grieving is over now.

In the end, it doesn’t really add much to our characters, especially not when the world isn’t updated to reflect the timeskip. When asked what your character did for several years, the default answer will be “nothing of interest”, unless you give your character a whole lot of off-screen development.
Had they updated the world, you could at least have gotten away with stuff like “Oh, I spent some years unflooding the Thousand Needles, before setting up shop in the new district in Gadgetzan” or something.

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lmao yeah that sounds about right

It also accelerates the rate at which Sylvanas can return, she’ll also look fresh and new.

I’m same as Teepa. Ignore it and continue to reference age/time within RP as little as possible.

We already have some people following 1 expac = 1 year, some people following 1 year irl = 1 year in game. So it’s already better to be vague with time.


Honestly? I doubt any Roleplayer besides a handful will even aknowledge the timeskip.

Pfft, they never needed an excuse before.

I intend to acknowledge the skip if it makes it into the game proper. Pretending it didn’t happen seems like a recipe for disaster. What is a small note in two conversations today may become a greater factor later in DF.

Although with that in mind it does become a matter left largely unmentioned in rp with any depth, for so long as the actual duration of the time skip is kept vague.

It’s also kinda annoying if it serves nothing and will just be “some years have passed”. If you can’t know how many years, will it even affect most of your characters?

It could be a way to place a few years on your main if he is, let’s say, an apprentice, and now he’s an adept mage/warrior.

But unless we’re given some more details, it’s a bit “‘eh, okay, so what?”. I want to know what’s going on in these years.

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hopefully abit of rebuilding in those years, if theres apparently no world ending threat during that distracts everyone

Well butter my biscuits, they actually went and did it. The mad lads.

Personally I’m going to acknowledge the timeskip but age / time has never played a massive role in my RP nor will the skip affect my character much. He’s just going to wrangle boars or something and call it a day.

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