About me: I started playing during WOTLK and continued to play through cata, then stopped playing during MoP, didn’t have a decent enough computer during WoD or Legion but I have since upgraded and back with BFA and so far enjoying it, it helps that I have been waiting a long time to play again so glad I am back
Age: 26
Personality: laid back and a big kid most of the time but mature when I need to be
Side: Horde (but could be persuaded to create an alliance alt)
Chars: main is this a Paladin (DPS)
Spec: Combat only (will tank if I know the dungeon)
Playing time: pretty much most nights of the week once I’m finished work and kids in bed
Up for: finding like minded people to chat with all my friends no longer play and the grind can be tedious with no one to talk to, would also like to create a char with someone to level up beside them
Other interests: F1, football, Ice Hockey and American football
Battletag: Skelon8892#2765