Post if you want to make some in-game friends (pt3)


Depends on who you’re asking!, naah but i’d say im pretty relaxed and laidback!


Ooof to many to mention!, i do currently have 30 lvl 120’s
Along with 4 lvl 110+'s!

[Already have all the Herritage Armors thats currently ingame xD]

Playing time:
Whenever i’m awake pretty much haha, and feel like WoW could be fun!.

Up for
Honestly anything!, raiding seems kinda pointless at the moment as you can get about the same ilvl from world quests xD!.

I’m doing to do current raid, just not to get better gear but to get transmog!.
I’m very focused on Transmogs these days!.

other interests
Twitter, Discord, WoW Lore[A huge fan when it comes to this], Anime, Manga, Training the Programming language C++ [Recently started]

Use Photoshop to make neat looking pics with peoples WoW Characters!.
Writing my very own Fan-fiction with WoW about how my very own characters handle the situation in every expansion etc!.


Just a worthy Mention!, I do own 3 Communities! you can find them Below!.
One of the Communities is Dedicated to this Thread Specificly!