I am sure people enjoy the spec but I genuinely feel like the rework they did in Legion was and still is terrible.
Fury Warrior like many other specs is a builder and spender the only difference is that Fury only really has 1 builder and 1 spender.
Ignoring the current awful tier set you spam Raging Blow occasionally you press Bloodthirst which without any tier set or talents is trash and you only press if you somehow managed to run out of Raging Blow charges or you Whirlwind if Bloodthirst is on CD and then you rampage.
That’s it. That is IMO the most boring pathetic excuse for a spec in the game.
Oh and then for AOE you press WW get your degraded version of Blade Flurry and do the exact same thing.
Luckily (not) we are getting the amazing hero talents that will surely make everything better.
Mountain Thane? Thunder Clap is the new WW and now you’re forced to press Bloodthirst which is again a pathetic ability that does no damage unless you spend half of your talent points for it to be actually somewhat useful. Other than that you’re a bootleg Enhancement Shaman cosplayer who doesn’t want to re-roll.
And Slayer which is semi-interesting if not for the fact that it’s just brings more reliable Sudden Death procs and adds Bladestorm back for Fury but overall doesn’t alter the gameplay in any way.
Pre-Legion Fury was genuinely perfectly fine and for some reason everything got downgraded.
But hey maybe I’m just wrong and Fury was actually horrible but that’s just my opinion ig
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Fury since legion is “ok” but it hasn’t been good since MOP. It got changed massively in WOD to simplify it, but it was still part of the long evolution of the spec (just gutted), then in Legion they completely changed it, and largely for the better compared to WOD.
But if you ask my opinion, Fury was best in WOTLK, which I doubt would be an opinion shared by many, since WOTLK skill cap was much higher and full of sweaty min-max strategies. Remember, Blizzard’s goal is to dumb things down so they are fun for new players, while veteran players want more depth, they have to consider both.
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