Potential bug demo lock mage tower (and tip to clear)

So, I just cleared the mage tower encounter for demo lock. This afternoon I had about 18 to 20 wipes on the demonology lock mage tower encounter. I got frustrated that at some point of the encounter things got just impossible. Once even having Blood of the Father, Whirlwind, Valkyrs, Runes and the shield AT THE SAME TIME. I am quite sure this was not intended. I also notice then when you fear Sygryd with Mortal Coil the timings where off with DBM for the next Blood of the Fathers.

Then this evening, I did it again and forgot the curses the first try and the whirlwind boss went down. Same for casty boy werent it for me missing the Blood of the Father interrupt in my excitement. BUT the timings where spot on with DBM, I had less Valkyrs and the encounter went more streamlined and felt as intended. 4th pull I cleared the encounter.

Guides tell that you should use the curses but… Meh, maybe not in this version.

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