Potential fix for Faction balance

As this seems to be the hot topic just now, I propose the following.

  • Free faction change from Horde to Alliance on highly unbalanced server’s (capped so that the balance does not shift)
  • When creating a character you can choose any racial from any race (1x Offensive / 1x Defensive).
  • Also Faction Vs Faction Training to keep queue times acceptable
  • Matchmaking - Premade Vs Premade (like in 2.4)

The above is my PvP wishlist.

I know we asked for no changes but these are ways to resolve issues and should be noted as fixes rather than changes.


Give them free dual spec aswell, give them everything idc just fix the queues


I like the racial choosing for all.

Another thought for a fix would be to pool all the alliance together in all the servers to make 50/50 servers with high pop closing dying low pop servers then lock new accounts until the balance falls beyond a threshold .

This of course will make some servers 100% horde now as they outnumber alliance by alot these servers will be a special case where they have the option to play the alliance side just like hvh bgs to keep world PvP and can swap by talking to an NPC until 50/50 balance will be achieved with bonus to the alliance side until capped the horde remain horde since that’s what they want

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the problem is trying to incentivize PvE players to participate in PvP when a strong majority of Alliance just simply have no interest in it.

give them all the benefits, give them double honor, give them dual spec, give them PvE reps for BG wins, give them gold, I don’t care what they do to stop the tears, just keep same faction queues enabled.

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Yeah, The problem is community wants to PvP they are drawn to PvP centric faction. Horde.

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You’ve just posted the 4 main solutions to the faction imbalance problem. If we can see it, why can’t blizzard see it…

hopefully they will.

vote for faction change

I dont like changes, but oh boy would I love to have wotf on my druid. Screw shadowmeld outside of niche cases for drinking in pvp, wotf is where it’s at.

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