Potential Newcomer to AD

I’ll state this upfront; you will have a hard time participating in EU roleplay if you aren’t from the East Coast. EST time zone is a bit more forgiving if you are able to drop by in the afternoon, but major RP happenings will still play out between 2pm and 4pm your time. That’s most campaigns, most open RP events, most public events organized. I experienced the same in reverse as for 4 years I’ve been part of a US roleplay community.

Your character doesn’t sound wacky at all, in fact, I’d find it a very nice concept. There’s been an ogre announcer in Orgrimmar roleplayed with a prism; I also know two Horde-side guilds with an ogron and ogre members respectively.

Chill, condensed, active, cozy. Those are the words I’d use to describe it. It is very important that you join a guild as most events / roleplay is guild or cross-guild centric.

Not at all, but don’t let this bother you for a moment. There’s a lot more alliance players; call me an elitist but I do think the actual, worthwhile roleplayers are similar in count between the two factions. Stormwind looks alive from a distance but a single night’s stroll will reveal to you the wacky side.

Disregard anyone who claims there’s no cultural differences between the US and Europe; you’ll find that RP itself will be different. European players are far less lenient to bend/mould lore, both in the positive and the negative sense. From my experience EU players also prefer more bureaucracy and organization where American playstyle is overwhelmingly laissez-faire.

Last but not least; a snippet from PCU/Horde - the award ceremony to conclude the most recent campaign.

Anyone who says Horde is “dead”, “inactive”, or “not alive” is a naysayer.