<Potential v2 9/10M> - 2 Day Raiding Guild Recruitment

Morning/Afternoon/Evening RC

’Potential’ was created back in 2017 following the dissolvement of the guild ‘Nerve’. Recreated under new leadership, the following achievements were made;

  • Uldir - World 312 - (Top 100 Alliance)
  • Tier 21 - World 442
  • Tier 20 - World 800+

‘Potential’ left to go to Horde in 2018, under the new name of ‘Acoustic’ on Twisting Nether. But we all know how BFA turned out and became stagnant and disbanded.

However, following the 3 tier break. Potential is back in its own home place. Ravencrest Alliance.
‘Potential’ is reformed as a 2 day raiding guild.

We raid the following times

Sundays 20:00ST to 24:00ST
Mondays 20:00ST to 24:00ST

We do not extend past this time. We are 2 days and what we quote its what we stick with, there are no additional mandatory days or extensions.

Before applying, make sure you have the following;

  • Working PC - We get it, wow runs on everything, but bringing along your tablet that Moses scribed his 10 commandments on will not suffice
  • A brain - We expect you to use it. Learn the fights before we pull, know your class inside out. We have 2 days not 7.
  • Thick Skin - We don’t do PC here. I wouldn’t apply if you cant accept a bit of shade throwing and receiving. However, i wont tolerate bullying and will kick people instantly. What I’m saying is, don’t be a snowflake. Enjoy the dark humour, enjoy the memes.

Recruitment can be found in the posts below. Feel free to add me on BTAG for a link to our application form. Don’t worry its not a job ad.

Post mut be at least 10 characters.

Currently recruiting the following

  • Holy Paladin
  • Disc Priest
  • Resto Shaman
  • Resto Druid
  • Fury Warrior

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