(POV) When you read new patch notes

yep, time to cancel our WoW subscriptions, cause blizzard is about to destroy pvp (even more than they already did). if those trinkets will make it into the game then im done

I just don’t like the magic absorb trinket because it will make dks even less desired

that’s not even the biggest problem, the problem is the CC/interrupt immunity trinket. It basically destroys pvp completely, and makes things like feral convoke literally unstoppable.
It was already a bit obvious that blizzard was dumbing down pvp, but this takes the cake.

 Gladiator's Fastidious Resolve   Activate the Broker defenses, protecting yourself from spell interruption and crowd control effects. The defenses withstand up to 3 effects and persist for 30 sec.   

Whoever decided this should be in the game has most likely never played a single game of arena before and honestly should be fired immediately.


Yeah but isn’t that a medalion ? if a feral uses that and convoke that means he doesn’t have a trinket so enemy team just survive and kill him next go?

Jk frenzied regen goes brr

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Pretty sure there was a downside of CC duration on you being increased.

It works both ways, since you cant be cced if you are using the trinket you can use defensives to counter it. And since damage is roughly 10% lower overall next season, you will be able to survive.

Lets face it. Its not like when ret+warr goes ham on you in the current season that you can cc/interrupt them too much during their go. You survive by trinketing, pulling defensives or getting intervene/offheals/bop from your friends. Not too much will change regarding those situations next patch.

rogue/mage however will be a new level of scourge.

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its down to 2 effects and you dont have a pvp trinket to escape CC for 3 Minutes.
Its a stupid idea to even have stuff like this in the game but it wont be breaking pvp or anything

its just plain stupid. idk how stuff like that even gets through.
i was baffled when they released shakles again. the feedback wasnt that good as far as i know and now they release this stuff.
even if it wont break pvp its just not right.

Id be far more worried about the pve-trinkets now that the set-bonus for pvp-trinkets far easier to disregard than before…

the pve trinkets that you could buy on ptr were pretty bad when i remember correctly but idk

nope, that’s the other trinket, this one is exactly what I posted. full CC immune for 3 effects. lasting a total of 30 seconds.
Which is pretty much just turns everyone into an unstoppable piece of crap. which both makes some class even more unplayable as well as severely favoring braindead classes that rely on obnoxious burst rather than CC setups

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