Can we non-PvP-players please have this mode extended into a PvE mode of that horror to earn Plunder? Since the best tint of the sets gets locked behind that terrible game mode, it would be nice to have a less painful wait to earn it.
Suggestion: Practice Mode works exactly like the normal mode, but all enemies are only NPCs and I guess in exchange Plunder drops are reduced by 50% - doesn’t matter to me if it takes me twice as long as others as long as I get the chance not to play PvP.
PvP is toxic by default - your own progress is only possible by stopping others in their progress; I don’t want to engage in such behavior. I hate getting attacked by other people without me attacking them, just because of some stupid game design.
I just hope they don’t put new rewards and only cycle old ones for those who missed them. That means I will not even TOUCH the game mode this time. One of the most useless mode, you don’t need to battle at all. You land run little collecting stuff like it was Super Mario then wait that someone whacks you just to requeue again. No need to PvP or play, you just waste time.
It’s already known that it’s new ones… at least if you consider recolors as “new”; sadly the purple-black tint is up this time, would gladly trade the yellow one from the TP that I bought for that one; was able to forgo the red one, but this time… well, I dread having to suffer to get it.
I had mixed feelings about plunderstorm. Firstly, it was great to see an actual new way of playing being trialled by Blizzard. The game was balanced, which in unheard of in WoW, so that was another win. The only downsides were that it was timegated and it took you away from your main character(s).
If there was a way to replace all PvP content with this mode, I’d be very happy.
About this new mode, I’m a little disappointed that it’ll be the exact same as the last one. Same map, same theme. They could have at least set it somewhere new and give a new look and now, what I suspect will just be a re-colour of the two that are already in game.
Was it? Didn’t just the folks with the fire storm thingy win? Either way, it’s a very odd choice by the devs to push ppl to play another game mode to earn rewards for the actual game… I want to play PvE retail to earn my retail transmogs, not a weird WoW themed copy of a wholly different game.
Another Plunderstorm? I’ll treat it with the same enthusiasm, give it the same attention, and play it as much as I did the 1st.
Which is to say,
Not in the slightest, none whatsoever and not at all.
Nah. Someone at Blizzard has a creepy fetish about “Pirates” and/or has watched too many movies and wants us to be as creepy as them about it. Much like whoever in Vanilla and TBC quest design had a rather worrying fascination with animal droppings considering how many times they had us rooting around in crap. Literally.
Problem is: I will have fun making mog sets with those transmogs, but I definitely won’t have fun getting them; I can’t just avoid the unfun part because it will also prevent me from having fun, see my dilemma? If there were several options to get the same mogs, and some were actually PvE in retail, I would welcome it.
And Keento is right; it’s all about the rewards and deciding how much suffering to accept to get them, if WoW gameplay was about being enjoyable in general, the devs would go back to WotLK gameplay, were you could easily clear raids with only a few ppl knowing strats and doing mechanics, while the rest just had a blast blasting the bosses instead of having to jump out of swirlies and interrupt their casts every other second.
And before you tell me: “but that was boring”, then let me tell you - no, to most it wasn’t and sub numbers refected that. Those who wanted it more interesting could do the mechanics, those who had fun just doing their rotations could do the blasting. This allowed more people with different skill to play together and have fun with the same content instead of forcing ppl to abandon their less skilled friends for job-like groups where all share the same skill level.
I mean I’ll play a PvP version because of my crippling addiction to transmog collecting, but it got old in a week last time. If it’s literally the same game mode again, I’ll be disinterested from day one. So hoping for some new twists to be revealed.
I look at it like this:
Plunderstorm is a PvP mode therefore the items you get from it are PvP rewards. It’s the same as complaining that you can’t get Gladiator mogs, Viscious mounts and Battleground titles in a PvE manner.
I enjoyed the first Plunderstorm, it’s dissapointing that it’s gonna be the same this time around. I would expect a different map and maybe couple different abilities if they were to bring it back.
Doesn’t work since the yellow set was on the TP; I want to be able to chose which source gives me which tints, then PvP content gets the ugly ones that don’t interest me. Should be like that for all sets, actually - us being able to chose which tint we want for which content. Or they should just hand out the same mogs for different kind of content anyway, so everybody can do what they actually enjoy… which sould be the main interest of the game: letting people have fun, not forcing them to do stuff they don’t want.