Pre-made groups BG

wtf elf? did you forget to take your pills again?

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I misquoted your 1500 claim as 1800, fair. I dont see a single answer to my main objections though.

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I don’t need your “believe \ don’t believe”. I’m talking about facts. 1500 honor for players on the front line (in attack) and 800+ honor for players engaged in base defa \ bosses \ towers \ cemeteries.

I can provide screenshots with proof of the games this weekend. Screenshots with a confirmation number of honor.
But just like that, for the sake of your EGO, I won’t do it.

I need some kind of interest for which I would do this.
What can you offer me, Elf?

complaining because russians play pvp in a bg wow

Still no reply to my main objections here.

your main objection is that russians play pvp in a BG

just stay in dungeons i guess. its not russians that soak the fun out of AV its pve alliance who afk

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My main objection is that it’s neither fun (subjective), nor efficient (objective). If both groups do this, you wont have these “i win in 20 minutes for 1500 xp ez lol” games, because both teams will get bogged down for terrible honour per hour. Both teams cant win at the same time in 20 mins for 1500 honour. What you get is a sort of stalemate that it takes much longer to get win off of.

for you its not fun but there is also dungeons to kill pve bosses. i consider 40v40 midfield zerg fun.

efficient? lold either you enjoy playing bgs or leave it you swim in honor sooner or later anyway

but ye the ultimative fun to ride down the alterac valley and then afk for 5minutes to oneshot a pve mob.

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I find quicker games fun, but that’s my opinion and either way only half of the issue. The other is efficiency, because most players dont have the time or interest in doing BGs that last that long like the russian strategy encourages. WSG can be even worse when the russians turtle up with 7 players on the defence, while also being down 2-1.

Russians might have “fun” in 1 hour long turtle WSG, but personally I feel like I get brain damage when playing such a match. Even on a win.

i miss sporeggar AV premades, even russians dont know what mean defense compared to Damonh’s tactics.

So, just had an AV against russians again yesterday.

40 minute game, where we (alliance) eventually won on points, 100-0 in the end. The honour was truly shi##y, some 700 honour for a 40 minute slogfest (I was defending bunkers most of the game, capping mines and eventually stealthed to cap the last two horde towers in their base). Must have been even shi##ier honour for the horde, who were turtling like their life depended on it.

Would not do again.

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the funniest part is that russians would still be losing 100% of AVs even when turtling if EU didn’t insta go AFK the moment they see russian nicknames lmao

I think it is Amazing!

I should have AFKed yesterday though, it still would have been better honour than spending 40 mins for 700 honour on a win.

dunno guys when you play and enjoy game, for you all is farming, farming honour in BG isnt fun, farming arena points in arena isnt fun, farming gear in HC isnt fun, farming gear in raid isnt fun.
I was not farming honour in BGs, honour was bonus of my favorite activity in this game.

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imagine even needing honor at this point in the game. lmao. i was done farming everything that can be farmed + some gems long before phase 2 even released. got everything from the honor vendor on day 1.

ez gaem. git gud.

Being good at the game or not has very little to do with the ability to farm large amounts of honour. Some people are not unemployed and have huge amounts of free time.

why we keep getting fight VS russians, now there is HvH and AvA, they dont need our BG group. Pls blizz fix or just fix azbuka, i dont have rus client.

you don’t need to be unemployed to cap honor and farm gear. i’ve been working 8-16 (my country’s version of 9-5) since before tbc’s release and even before HVH was introduced i managed to farm gear. the release of HVH certainly made that much, much easier though.

making a premade and playing 3-4 hours a day assuming you pump WSG/AB/EOTS for quick honor gains (and actually win your matches fast) means you can get 6-7k honor per session, which means it would take 11-12 days of 3-4 hour game sessions to get capped and still have enough time left over to shop for groceries and attend family life, especially if we go by a monthly basis, which means you could go 1-2 hour sessions for 22-24 days.

Now imagine dedicating just 1-2 weekend days (like saturday/sunday) a month to doing this, a straight 12-15+ hour session for two days of pure premade pvp with competent players in your roster. that’s the 11-12 days of 3-4 hours, cut into two days to get capped.
hardly something a person employed can’t manage if the ambition and will to do it is present.

and i’ll let you in on a secret: 9/10 games, the opposing team will give up outright at the sight of a premade, which makes the farm even faster. you could probably make a premade consisting of a bunch of poorly geared players and the opposing team would give up before even realizing they had the skill and gear to beat it.

you constnatly talk about minmax honor and yet you arent done with honor grind yet?