Pre-Patch PVP - Are Demon Hunter's Overpowered?

Currently, we’re in the pre-patch of Dragonflight and I’m seeing demon hunters at the top of damage on each match.

I’m a fire mage and I know that we’ve been dealt a weak hand at least until max level but I just find that it’s getting beyond a joke when you see 4 or 5 rampaging demon hunters in demon form slicing through your whole team like butter. They’re also in that form for almost 70% of the entire match, healing like absolute madness.

Like I said, I know fire mage has been dealt a weak hand in this pre-patch so numbers aren’t on any mages side at the moment, so I’m just wondering if anyone else is having the same issue?

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wow was never ever balanced on anything which is not max level, i see guardian druids dh and certain warlocks being like in another league, but we shouldnt rlly judge before DF.

And some number for sure need some tuning :expressionless:

I wonder how fun is dh

Yes DH is currently overpowered. Haha


your issue is being concerned about pre-patch stuff.
our talents are meant for 70. obviously some classes are going to be completely oblivious - has been like this in every pre-patch.

stay away from pvp if you can’t handle it until DF hits. just remember, pvp from 61>69 is gonna scale just as bad as 60 pre-patch.

Tbh DH is overpowered in DF, their defintly one of the shining classes currently.

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DH is OP in Pre-patch.
It also is OP in DF Beta atm.

Fire mage is very strong (as always…) in Beta atm, idk if I’d call them “OP” though.

It is not OP, they just scale way higher at 60, we are lvl 60 twinks atm btw. Every prepatch is like this.

Sorry but this is not true. Every pre patch has been different and we have major class specific problems on current pre patch.

Erm, agree. In my newest Beta testing I got like 40k dps on raid dummy without CD. I think Fodder to the Flame is the main problem.

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and there were no rogue-warrior prepatch in bfa where they were oneshotting people and getting achievements from rated arena?
and there were no legion prepatch where warlocks were literally unkillable gods and then were nothing like this in s1-s2 so they had to buff them in s3-s4?
dude come on dont cope its always like this


Hmm it’s strange. FTTF doing like 150k+ dmg hits atm, but it seems not to affect players…??

you can literally 5v1 as dh and it’s the same on the beta…


im pretty sure they will get nerfed as soon as possible after launch because dh is not rmp or jungle

Doing 15-17k dps in PVP with heal more than actual healer
Prepatch is just not playable in RBGs Arenas when you see 130k havoc getting 70k soulrend dot on you while you have 40% + vers on
I hope this will be regulated in new expansion

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This will be less of an issue at 70.

The only reason Soulrend is doing a lot of damage at the moment is due to a legendary buffing its damage 250%; which obviously will be gone in Dragonflight. (This is probably why Blizzard arn’t nerfing DH or half the other classes that are doing broken damage at the moment, as these combos will be gone soon).

I’m also not sure where people have been playing that think DH can 5v1 etc as per the above exaggerations (maybe random BG’s with undergeared alts?).

I’ve certainly not experienced this when playing at 2k+ in Solo (because prepatch), or around 1800 in 2v2/3v3 in the past. Sounds like a skill issue, as a lot of classes can do one shots/crazy damage in prepatch.

Demon Hunters are still easily killed within a stun, or taken out of the match when crowd controlled/rooted properly.

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If dh is not OP in prepatch then nothing is ever. Maybe play the game to know what you’re talking about.

This is a bad take, we pay to play this game. Blizzard could make an easy fix in the case of havoc and disable the Fel Bombardment legendary.

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