Pre Patch Raid Instance Lockout Bug?

hello im having a problem here with the instance lock out i did ZG in classic before i transfered my character to TBC ERA and now i cannot enter ZG the instance was suppose to rest yesterday now when i check my Raid Info it shows the raid ID with the name of the raid but with no Timer or cool down.

that didnt only happen to me to also to number of other players and guildies.


Also on TBC ZG and Ony is Locked with ID, never did ZG with this char at all.
Resets in -Plank-
See Image Link @Blizzard. I rly need that IDs! ClickMe

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Hey, I’ve also encountered this issue on multiple characters. Any fix? @blizzard


same issue with my characters + guild mates, we had to raid off all our scheduled raids since yesterday,

@Blizzard please, allow us to raid again until BC thank you

any news? we wanted to do some ZG runs - but several people had “ID”…

We probably need to push this issue more… Half of my Guild has this Problem!!!
Any Answer from Blizz to that? Are they aware?

?`pls dont delete what?^^

Been posted on US Forum a day ago, they had the same issue.
Apparently already fixed over there.

Its incredible that they did not just roll that out to all Servers immediately.

Blizzard needs to fix that and if possible remove the false lockouts.
I joined group with a couple guys on my warlock and now all my characters have lockout for ZG and Onyxia. And it doesn’t say when it resets.

I dont know who Kaivax is.
I’m going off of this exchange:

If it is a false alarm and there actually has been no fix: My bad. (But I guess a little hope isnt too bad huh?)

Sorry, for some reason I thought this thread was about cross realm instances/raids.

Oh no worries mate, with all the bugs and weird behaviour going on it’s no wonder people lose track of what bug theyre even looking at :smiley:

Bump plix need raids

Same: but for AQ20, onixia + ZG… i wasnt even saved for 2 of those when the tbc pre patch went live. It’s disheartening that everyone knows of the bug, but nothing is done about it. There are currently no Raids being pugged except BWL, because of it.

Hi Blizzard, most of my guild are also saved to phantom raid IDs for ZG, Onyxia and AQ20. Please fix this ASAP so we can actually play the videogame thanks.

Saved without lockout timers as well for multiple raids… Fix asap please!

same here, got saved to aq20 and zg, and i did not raid either for over a week, all i have been going is bg’s and open world farming solo. so atm im afraid to do bg’s in case i get saved for naxx and therefore missing out my guilds naxx run this weekend. and i was having such a blast in pvp with the new enhancement talents, like rly fun, but now i dont dare playing. no fun allowed? also, i have not heard blizz adress this issue at all? what gives? blizzard help plz for the love of god, the pre patch is short as it is, and now all this downtime and buggs ruining the experience for so many ppl. what are we even paying u for?

Writing because I have the same issue and it is infuriating.

Im also having this issue… posted it to bug report with no answer after 36 hours

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Had the exact same problem today at ZG and UBRS. @blizzard

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