Pre-Purchase the World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition

As everyone here states!
Shipping costs is killing this product.

I’ve just bought one, do you know when I will receive it?

Also, is it possible to use the 70 boost before receiving the box ?

I got an email a while ago that it would be shipped this month.

And no, all the digital goodies come with the box, including the boost.


Try selecting “Norway”… You will not get the “standard” shipping of €99 as a option, only the “Express” option that costs €191…

Good luck if you live in the UK it’ll probably be sent by Evri and end up in a million pieces.

Just got an email that it’s being shipped and on the way!

But no need to do that until close to the date. See if it arrives in time. A digital purchase is instant so can be done on the day of the EA launch if necessary.

And personally delivered by Ion Hazzikostas in a golden box.

Just want to add my voice to the discussion – the EU shipping costs are bonkers and unacceptable.

I’m also NL and shipping costs €99. I checked on the UK site and they up-charge us bc of GBP to EUR conversion so the box costs €233 instead of €200, plus shipping (cheaper) and then import fees to Europe (will add up to about the same).

I am not going to buy this box anymore, because of the stupid costs and reading that we don’t even get the unlock code digitally. Shame on you Blizzard, get your act together!

I actually really want the statue. I have the wolf rider statue and they’d pair really well together. I guess I’ll have to search for it on marktplaats or ebay later! :smiley:


I am also going to wait for the boxes and statues to appear on ebay. Let’s hope they’ll have more reasonable shipping fees there.

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The price for the product … well its high, but okay.
The freight costs… IF im gonna pay that, i expect the box to be delievered by Thrall him self at my door step!


Funny enough blizzard hasnt responded to ANY of the posts about the insane freight price… Milk the fans firm now!

I have been buying the Collector’s edition since the inception of World of Warcraft, however, this time I couldn’t get myself to. The insane shipping cost that has been bloating the Collector’s edition prices are my main issue. I really understand the willingness of Blizzard entertainment to no longer work with physical sotres and thus be avble to get a higher margin on the products themselves, but this year especially, with the huge costs of shipping, the product for me as a consumer in the EU just isn’t viable anymore. I will have to stick with the digital products and miss out on the awesome artbook. The statue I couldn’t care too much about, but the missing artbook, soundtrack and mousepad and a box to display on my collector’s edition shelf is a sore loss. I do hope that future installments of the World Soul Saga will have a more reasonably priced version which takes into account the different markets. A product which has such a high percentage of its price go to shipping, while it already is quite an expansive product, is just not valid. I am on the other hand glad, as now the product has sold out. I would have ordered my copy 2 months ago, had this stupid inflated shipping price not been there, or had it been shown on the initial price.

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The problem is that Blizzard don’t run the Gear Store. It used to be Fanatics but it’s Legends now. These are their terms & conditions if it helps - though I’m in the UK so they be different for the rest of Europe (possibly change the ‘uk’ in the url to ‘eu’?)

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