Pre-Purchase the World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition

I mean, 100% ebay will have cheaper shipping :confused:

But more expensive price of the box.

Ignoring the price issues for now, as the code is in the box, will it actually be shipped in time to enjoy the 3 days pre-launch access? Otherwise you are selling a product that cannot be used as sold.

I remember at the start of DF, (And Possibly SL?) people had to buy a 2nd code and have it refunded, so that they could actually play on launch day.

Given loads of people use spotify I can understand why Blizzard hasn’t gone to the cost of including a CD, but I’d like one.

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It’s sure is great to see blizzard doesnt even respond to any of the concerns voiced to their main announcement about their CE for TWW. Anyone heard anything about their AI responses on the gear store yet?

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It does say this one the store page

“*** Early Access to World of Warcraft: The War Within may be impacted by shipping dates and subject to change. Early Access duration is 3 days. Limited time only. Play time subject to possible outages and time zone differences. Certain endgame features, including Mythic dungeons and weekly quests, not available during Early Access.”

So basically yeah, if you want guaranteed 3 day early access you need to buy the digital edition too and then refund it as balance.

Me and my friend want to buy the World of Warcraft: The War Within 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition from the store. we are fine to pay 200 euros but it say need 280 euros for shipping in Europe or 246 Enhlish pounds, just for shipping and at the end i must pay more than 400 euros to get it. This is ridiculous why is so expensive, is more than the product. (btw we are both from Europian country)


I was thinking of getting the Collectors Edition, even though €200 is quite a lot of money (€110 on top of the Epic Edition, which gets you a pin, a statuette, and an art book).

And then I noted I will also get hit by a ridiculous shipping cost of €100 on top of all that!

I briefly looked at the UK store, where the cost is GBP 175 (€209,95), but shipping there is GBP 18. Vaguely tempted to get it there, though it will be hit with import duties, VAT and (probably) handling costs.

WHY is this €100 in Europe, Blizz? Can’t you find a better shipper?

(Also, for the 10 year WoW anniversary, Blizz sent me a surprise orc wolfrider statue… for free)

I am collector and would like to get the box but this insane shipping cost €100 has changed my mind. I wonder if some eBay reseller will have adequate shipping cost.

Adequate shipping costs with not so adequate CE costs, so…I figure you’ll end up paying way more to the bloody scalpers the you’d pay Blizzard including shipping.

you can order on the UK store as i did.

shipment price is cheaper

I hope there will be oversupply. And I could get used box for hopefully lower price.

You are forgetting the import taxes…they will hit you hard when you get the import report from your customs/delivery serevice.
UK is NOT in the EU anymore.
And if you live in Switzerland you’ll have import taxes, too.

i m in switzerland

in both cases i ll pay

but its cheaper with the UK way

taxes ll be calculated on 245 instead of 300

its cheaper to me as a NON EU to order UK store than EU even if i live near france, germany and spain

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Hm, 90€ digital epic edtion, plus who knows waht price for an opend box without code, I still don’t now if that’ll be cheaper than now.
Yes, I do agree that the shipping costs for some european countries are horrendrous but I fear you won’t get it any cheaper.

Do you pay additional swiss taxes when you buy it from european gear store? I don’t know if they are already included in the price for non EU countries and therefore the shipping cost is so high.

I can wait for it to get a discount, if you are patient they get 50% cheaper.

No they are not. Shipping to Bulgaria is the same 100€ without any import fees because it is an EU country.

This is insane , i mean 200 EURO and additional 99 EURO for shipping to Norway that’s f ridiculous.

Guys don’t let them fool you , i was so close to buy it but when i saw the shipping cost , it’s just shame for Blizzard


Blizzard is this some sort of april fools joke…

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i ve bought every CE since MoP and the moment i jumped to checkout and saw the +100 euro for shipping i immediatelly noped out of that.

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I don’t usually use the forums but this is a special occasion.
I’ve bought every collectors edition there has been till today.
the price of €99 just for shipping is outrageous.
Last time my dragon flight collectors edition got damaged and they refused to give me any form of compensation for it. Why would I pay even more now when I got treated badly the last time?

Take a hike, Blizzard store.

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