Premade matchmaking in WSG

Go back to buying gold and stomping pubs on a lvl25 cap season you absolute sweat lord, pre-made ANDY go back to retail

Beware! The make-up of your forum’s main is sinking.
little barbiegirl

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Dude your every post is so cringe. You legit have some mental problems

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You follow all my post?
Who got mental problems?
Are you in love with me?

You repeat “mental problems” like a parrot

Who got mental problems again?

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you do lol.

you live in a sterile world or what?

i got style
you don’t

whatever floats your boat lil man

Rastafari yaman

Sorry , you will need to communicate with me in a human language if you wanna talk .

Buying gold has nothing to do with playing premades. U dont even need gold to win these games xD

Premades should be banned. Or matched agains other premades. It is not normal for random folks which want to relax in a pvp game to be matched against some try hards.


You can relax at the Graveyard when u get stomped by a premade. issue solved.

Parrot lyrics…