Premade Russian Battlegrounds are killing PvP in WoW

everytime i join bg i encounter this russian premade that obliterates us they even kill the gravekeeper…

After this i no longer wish to play the game.

Why Russians dont have their own servers like US have their own?

Why EU servers have to deal up with this plague?

Why dont you try to make your game better? instead, you nerf classes that are actually struggling and keep on buffing the metaclasses?

Who is in charge for those things?


Pro tip ; Play like them, thank me later.


There’s a Russian specific one. But the US actually is divided in multiple server zones “Chicago”, “Las Vegas” and also share an entire region “Oceania realms” where the AU folks can transfer as if it were the same region.

Simple, if you look at the big EU chart, Russia is actually also part of the EU continent. In more simpler gameplay terms, they have the choice to play on the RU or EU servers. Since they chose to play on EU they also gotta pay EU prices etc etc.


How does one kill the spirit healer?

I still haven’t understood how Russian 5 stacks with strong players in random bg are in any way different from other Europeans who do the same.

They should nerf all large groups in random bgs in my opinion to give smaller groups and solo players a better chance.

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I am not a big fan of Russian players in EU servers, that’s on the side, I do not understand racist comments on them on these forums. I mean plague, huh? HUH?

That’s alright. Like many others, you can start a thread about why you are leaving, rant about things, and attach your name and number at the end. So we can put you on the departures list and assign you a gate, and you can take off from there.

I mean, for whatever reason, if the game lets you feel like you have to stop playing, you should.

What does it have to do in a post where you clearly sent to rant about Russians?

Maybe you wanted to say, “Why Blizz? Why do you keep buffing Russians and nerfing Germans, Romanians, and French?”

Uh oh, this angry person wants to see the manager @Blizzard. You’d better get yourselves ready.


They did they added a lot of different modes so you can get achievements and rewards by playing solo, you dont need random bg anymore. Those who remain in premades are silly LS mongrels who can’t fully enjoy dominance in competitive mode, you dont wanna be one of them, do you?

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all i am saying premade bg’s are killing pvp in this game therefore its killing the game.

They are all BiS geared they are coordinated in discord and focus on 1 target and delete it in 1 second.

This is not fair for random BG players.

Since they are so powerful and great in numbers and coordinated with discord they SHOULD play rated BG but instead they go for the easy pray in random BG and this is just WRONG and SHOULD not be allowed.

I am not racisist it doesnt matter if they are russians or any nationality i just noticed multiple times those specific russias abusing random BG’s forcing people to quit the game.

If you think this is logical and fair, then let it be.

But its certainty not fair and not healthy for the game.

This specific Russian group i see them raiding random BG since DF, and they are still here doing the exact same thing, ravaging random players.

This isn’t a private server with small population, this situation shouldn’t be happening here.

I hope blizz is reading this, my intentions and my efforts are the best for this game.


Fair, I also think solo should be separated from pre-mades but it means longer queue times than what it is now, so probably Blizz doesn’t want that.

But still, it has nothing to do with any nationality. Russians, French, German, etc. rules are not set by the nations, random BGs are not a part of UN or BRICS, so, your criticism should be targeted at Blizzard and only Blizzard.

You say that you are not racist, well your comment was but that’s alright, however even at the end of your message you are targeting a specific Russian game enjoyers. The funny part is, I’m almost 100% sure that your targeted group of players have Cyrillic names that’s why you can identify them and rant about like “REMUV RUSSIANS PLOX BLIZZ” Tell me if my assumption is wrong. It is based on the fact that I’ve seen many people like this, complaining about them. I should say that if my assumption were correct, there 2 things you should consider next time:

  • Russia is not the only country that uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Gagauz are all using Cyrillic. They are not “Russians”, old soviet countries and some of them are Slavic and some are not.

  • Just because other European countries don’t use a significant and distinguishable alphabet, it doesn’t mean French, German, Spaniards, etc. are not abusing pre-made advantage.

That’s also alright but you should not forget, that you are entitled to your opinions and there are thousands of other players with their own opinions. So… Not every aspect of the game makes me happy and going towards it, in a way that I think is good for the game. We can express our thoughts for sure, but it will stop there. We are not executives, we are not decision-makers, we are customers… If we ever feel that we are unhappy about any game we play, we have to find a new one, aren’t we?


That is not a racist comment.

But yes everyone is sick of premades, maybe they cant find the rbg door, and are oblivious the harm it is doing to the pvp on the whole.

Reminds me of school bullies, they have to have a group to intimidate, but alot would be useless by themselves.

Get rid of solo and blitz, they failed peeps just want to have fun, we need a max 2 man que, excuse queing with friends is just balony, unless they need a hand in bgs, but I play all the time chatting with mates, but they are not with me in bgs.

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The word “plague” is a sickness, a contagious one, and a disturbing one. I don’t see any reasonable use of this constative word for a nation. Do you? And still, it has nothing to do with Russians. It is not only Russians that are queueing up as premade.

Nah, I don’t think they are unaware of RBG. It must be something simple like trying to feed their ego… Due to its nature “Rated” BGs can be difficult, or will eventually be difficult, I don’t think any premade wants that.

Yup, pretty much the same psychology behind it.

He could word it differently and say the same thing, would that change the message, no. There are too many Russian premades and yes it is only Russian premade teams that I have met.

What? you mean people don’t want challenge? Isn’t that the whole point? There have always been poor players who thought they were cool ganking lowbies because they couldn’t cut at their own level, this is basically the same thing. They aren’t the same as PVE players who don’t want to do Mythic they are ruining the game for other people.

issue isn’t that, issue is blizz not implementing the change they put on sod. Make groups of 5+ match with groups of 5+. simple as that really.

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Random vs random
Premade vs premade
Thats how it should be
But Blizzard doesnt care about me


So can EU be, Russians separate and rest of Europe.
I 'member a time whitout russians.
They where all on chinese servers.


You are misreading everything about the things I said in the quoted parses. :smiley:

No, premade spots are not reserved for only Russians. It is just your (and OPs) perception, and that is not true. It can not be true, any people, any guild, any nationality can join as a group so… If you are insisting on “It is just Russians” you have to provide me a data, to show me that people from other nationalities are not premading.

I am not saying people do not want challenges at all, too. Let’s say, a group of people getting rekt in a rated bg, repeatedly, like 3 games in a row. That group can queue up for unrated BG, and slay the newbies for their pleasure. There is nothing to stop that, is there?

I didn’t even say it was good. Ofc, it is not a good experience and never fun.

So basically, most of the things that you assumed weren’t even things I was trying to say :smiley:

I don’t know if I am mistaken, but I am not that into PvP at all, after Wrath. I do PvP here and there, very rarely. I might be wrong, but if my mind doesn’t play tricks on me, I remember BG queues were identifying premade and the chances were lower to get premade as solo before. Again though, I might be so wrong about it, not sure if I remember it correctly.

No I really don’t have to provide you data my personal experience is the only premades are Russian. You have to be deliberately obtuse to think I should provide data when the forum is full of people talking about Russian premades, where is your evidence of non Russian premades? I have never seen them, in a looooooong time. 8 or 9 years maybe?

Sooooooo here is the funny part , i also don’t face them anymore but when I group up with people i do??

Unless they have been doing this for decade :sweat_smile:

Why would I have to prove anything?

Both you and OP are coming up with an argument like Russian premade are ruining this game, rather than “Any premade” ruining this game. You are being pretty specific with it. That’s why you are the one who have to prove that specific argument, prove me that there is no other premade other than Russian or there is no premade ruining the game other than Russian. Then, we can have a talk in sense and logic.

Other option is keep ranting and crying about something you can not back up with a logical argument.


Many people do the same thing in different games and genres. Well, unless there is a rule that prevents it (there is not, because it would be so stupid, to be honest), you can either take it or leave it. There is no other option… The only thing that can be done here is to separate group queues from solo queues, however, the reason they are not doing it might be related to the queue times.