Premades are unfun for both parties, BGs need a change

Thank you…literally this.

If people want their solo q so badly then give it (I do think people are lazy and can form groups, but fine - give it), but it can’t be giving the same rewards as this just sets a precedent that grouping is bad.

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agreed wish blizzard will listen

what I find amusing having played both with premades and solo is, that it is way more likely to meet a premade as a pug. I have gone 10 games in a row as premade vs pugs while it is a miracle if I get two as a pug.

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It’s actually really smart and probably the easiest fix.

stupid post imo, Why shold premade have all the positive when they TOTALLY RUIN the gameplay for everyone else? If u desperately need to play with ur NINE good friends (u liar) then why do u need reward for that? it makes more sense to do that without reward but getting to have fun with allllll ur friends :slight_smile: Premade stomping pugs is not healthy and shouldnt be rewarded…


Solo-queue is far to be a free honor/rep thing, Premades is a free grind

you think you are strong in your SoD’s premade but you are weak in Vanilla, runes are a new thing, and the balance of the game is way more unbalanced than ever so:

So pathetic seeing these crybabies having a meltdown about premades vs PUGS. Making a premade takes effort, leading a premade takes effort, reading up on tactics takes effort, if you’re not motivated enough to go through that effort then you don’t deserve to win.

Lazy snowflakes wanting their participation trophies for solo Qing and then running around WSG like a headless chicken with 0 coordination.

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This is hilarious, so this pathetic person now even thinks they have a hard time as a premade vs. PUG. Everything you did was because you wanted to make that PVP part easy, Mr. HardWork. You can’t make this thing up. If it were about earning some trophy or PVP, you wouldn’t mind fighting only against premades. But you don’t like challenge or PVP. You only want the easiest way to get a rep. This is the most embarrassing thing I have read on this forum so far.


You have this strange notion that anyone who disagrees with you is an “embarrassment” I’m one too, you make me feel special.

You did a well but this new post is something else. You have to try harder now.

I’m pretty sure getting loads of honor and marks is fun for the premades. Losing shouldn’t be so brutal, though. Players basically get nothing when the pug they are in gets smashed with a group of players in BiS and a permade. I’ve been in a bunch of zero honor zero rep WSGs and it isn’t fun.

Its amusing to see players from retail come here and attempt to alter what made premades enjoyable. The essence of premades lies in the social interactions facilitated through platforms like Discord!

How is this related to premades vs pugs?

Not in SoD though. Takes two priests, two hunters and the rest with better-than-average gear. At lvl25 there arent enough mechanics to allow for anything else much

haha people still moaning about premades months later

Two months later…

Hey look, premades are gone. Queues (for Horde) are stupidly long and you people are still crying.

Or the other way around. The groups won’t get any rewards other than pure social fun :smiling_face:

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