Premades are unfun for both parties, BGs need a change

Premades stomp pugs, that is boring for both parties, it’s not real pvp, just a rep grind simulator. Total waste of time.

They need to add premade q and solo/flex queue and add some parameters to balance the teams out. (i.e if a group of 4 queues, they will prioritize facing similar teams.)

They also need to add dynamic rep/honor gains so that it’s still worth to play as a premade, maybe even consider adding special items or other rewards.


Good suggestions.

better suggestion, keep the current q system that gives rewards and add a seperate Q where you can only solo q, but with no rep or honor rewards.


Why on earth do you want to remove rewards for people wanting to join solo? We still play in a team filled with players and we want to face equal challenge against a PUG team too.

I never understood this way of thinking, make no sense to me at all. Or even better following your logic then, until Blizzard addresses this issue out then any premade facing a PUG will not get any rewards because it’s too easy for them and they abuse the system.

See how stupid it is?


people that solo Q bgs do it to have some fun, go have fun without rewards. People should be rewarded for putting in the effort to team up and get better.


majority of people solo Q just farm mid and don’t even go for efc, don’t have a clue how to play the game. they don’t deserve the free honor /rep a solo q only system would give them.

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Why can’t fun and getting rewards be something you can do simultaneously? Do you actually believe in it’s current state to find a premade group in trade chat, then stomp over PUGs is actual skill and therefore you should be rewarded for it?

The only effort you put in at the moment is your gearscore level and which class you are and hope that the premade want to take you in, then most premade don’t have any communication whatsoever while stomping PUGS in BG. Yeah that takes a lot of skill and coordination from the premade. What a joke!

Even if that would be the case, how is separating premade vs premade and PUG vs PUG an issue for you then? Let PUG play the way they want, and premade to play the way they want. Both sides wins?

You try to come up with arguments against the separation of the queues but you fail miserably at that because you make no sense at all.

having played many premades and pugs. I can confidently say that the literal inbred that farm mid are exclusively found in pugs. In a premade v premade Q you would be getting worse honor as an FC as just solo Q in pugs and carrying. Despite needing to put in significantly less effort to carry the pug than playing in the premade. Where is the logic in that? In pug v pug games, I must have close to 100% win rate, and most of those wins are fast games where I litteraly cap the first 1-2 flags before the enemy team even decides to leave mid.

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Explain to me then how against every premade group I have faced as a PUG we are getting farmed at the GY? Isn’t that honor farming in an unhealthy way? The difference between this and PUGS killing each other in the middle is that PUG vs PUG there is a equal chance to win from both sides were as PUG vs premade usually it’s just one side stomping and farming the other side until they stop resurrecting and the winning side ends the game.

We are talking about giving both methods of playing a fair chance at winning the BG, which is what BG is ALL ABOUT. You tryhards that support this premade vs PUG only defend it because it’s the most efficient way for your farming. You ain’t playing the BG for what it’s supposed to be, and therefore you don’t care about this toxic behavior.

You will be the ones crying when enough solo players cannot bother with joining BGs anymore, when your premade queue time goes up by a lot.

because you are bad at the game and or playing a low impact class. As a druid, i rather face a premade when solo Q because it actually gives a challenge. in pug v pug its not fair at all. i know all the warsong jumps, with faps, enemy team has 0 chance of catching me.

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Facing a premade as a PUG does not make me or anyone else for that matter bad at the game, it’s just common sense that this is not fair nor fun for the PUG side.

That’s total nonsense! You know what a real challenge would be? Premade vs Premade & PUGS vs PUGS. I get it you are afraid of removing the free honor & rep farm by stomping all those PUGS while pretending that you are a skilled player but in reality you are not as it’s the opposite. You are scared to face equal challenge and it’s clear the way you are defending this nonsense.

How is it not fair? Both sides join the BG with random teams and then both sides have equal opportunity to communicate through the BG chat and win the game. I call this fairness & equal challenge.

its not fair because the imbalance a good fc creates is just massive. I suggest you watch finner’s stream to see how gamebreaking a good druid is in a pug warsong, you will see how he often solo Q into premades and wins. Pugs just dont’ know how to handle a good fc, they don’t know the jumps, and they are not coordinated enough to trap him.

Then it’s up to the opposite team to do something about it by working together and coordinate their attacks. That doesn’t remove the equal chance both sides have of winning because both sides joined random and they couldn’t have planned their team setup.

What matter is how each side use their team to their benefit which in the end the side with the best coordination is who wins the most times. That’s fair even if you lose the BG, you will had a equal chance of winning it, just the other side was better.

No thank you. I don’t need to watch one streamer that plays a druid well because the reality is in PUG vs PUG matches most people are somewhat on a equal level and the fact is that it’s the coordination and teamplay that win most games in PUGs vs PUGS games.

That’s why they will lose then, and that’s okay because you know why? Both sides entered with equal chance of winning, and no one knew how their class setup would be at first. It’s up to the skill of every player & their teamplay and coordination that will make them win the game.

None of this is happening now with premade vs PUGS. There is like no way you can argue that it’s the same, and this way right now is toxic and unhealthy for the game and PvP as a whole. As times goes on more and more people stop doing BG and soon you will face with longer and longer queues. Have fun while it last.

coordination and working together is not something pugs are capable of doing.

“That doesn’t remove the equal chance both sides have of winning because both sides joined random and they couldn’t have planned their team setup.”
yes but I know that i’m joining as a druid with a brain, and knowing this, i also know that i will be getting signifincantly better honor in the pug v pug Q than in the premade v premade Q simply because I am way bigger of an impact on the game. I have no incentive to Q premade v premade, this is just dumb.

That’s a lie. I’ve seen it happen and I’ve myself been a part of it by getting everyone together and work as a team. It requires a little work but I can understand if you don’t know what that is considering you just join a premade group and AFK behind it and winning due to PUGS have no fair chance against you.

There is no better feeling than winning a PUG vs PUG fight, while working together and have to work for it.

Well congrats to you then! Welcome to a multiplayer game were you will meet all different skilled players every day. Still doesn’t make it right to keep premade vs pug as it’s now.

your logic is so flawed “put in effort” what effort is there when you are premade vs pug and literally go 50-0 in kills, its the msot easy version of playing WSG there is. Make it opposite no reward for premades the pug players are playing the game on hardmode.


I don’t really care at this point if they keep or remove premades, cause it’s been a couple of years since vanilla rerelease and “nothing ever happens”. But I just can’t stand how insincere some people are publicly trying to convince everyone here that premading is about skill and having fun with your friends, grouping up and enjoying the social aspects of the MMO. Oh give me a break - I used to premade back in 2019 and most of the people there were super toxic, it was all about the quick rep again. As soon as things started to go south they were yelling at each other, ragequiting and whatnot. Not to mention whenever we faced a more powerful premade, once they got the first cap the leader ordered us to go afk and wait till it’s over. I mean, do you really think someone believes it’s all about improving your pvp skills and getting better? It’s about the honor&rep farm, nothing else. Stop trolling, no one is buying this bullshiz in 2024 lmao


in what world is premade v premade less effort than pug v pug?

right now premades are playing vs pugs all the time and htat is literally the easiest mode of them all so why are premades getting any rewards when they are blasting pugs? makes 0 sense with your logic since you say effort should be rewarded. Remove all rewards when pugs fight premades then,

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nah, right now half the games i would say are against other premades. I’m all for a premade only q. I just don’t think the pug v pug Q should offer the same rewards as premade v premade Q. Players should be incentivized to put in the effort to be organized.