Preorder The War Within Alpha/Beta?

Does alpha include when you preorder The War Within? Or only beta?

See you next year! :partying_face:

You get Beta - Access if you buy the big package (the one for 90 bucks if I remember correct)

Alpha is for the WoW-Team and a few selected people only

If you buy the Epic TWW Preorder you will get guaranteed beta access:

That said, I’ve been in one alpha before and I can tell you it is a bug ridden mess. Heck, we even get people complain about bugs within a beta and refuse to report it through the proper means. Joining either is not required, rather go in spoiler-free into the new xpack.


30 Days of Game Time shouldnt be include coz I dont need this one.

I had no choice so I bought Epic Edition. :joy: :point_left: :blue_heart:

Alpha is typically done internally, betas are for us scrubs paying to QA their game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Clarification edit!


I was in the DF alpha, so probably not always done internally.


First, there’s Friends and family, then Alpha, then Beta

I remember Revendreth being insanely buggy. I had to recreate my character five times to actually get to see the whole chain through because they kept falling through the map, never to return again.


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Not always, I got DF Alpha 5th Aug 2022! I am excited for new alpha/beta! :joy: :point_left:

Everyone has a chance for alpha, but way less people invited than beta.

As always, you gonna see streamers and ect getting 1st waves.

I got in dragonflight alpha aswell.

Paying for being beta tester rofl. World is broken…

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Tons of games like that out here. Nothing new with this.

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