"Prepatch" isn't an excuse for the state of the game

More like pre alpha. I don’t get how this company gets a pass for their crappy prepatches. This isn’t some f2p indie game but a sub based game from a multi trillion dollar company and it’s simply not acceptable to have it in a state like this for an entire month. Makes me wonder if they have fired everybody who works in the QA because I can’t explain how it made it to the live server. Half of the classes are completely unviable (everything that deals physical damage).


I have been playing in every single pre-patch since 15 years and i haven’t experienced such unplayable PvP environment. PvP is full of braindead dks and ele shamans. At least 2-3 dks in every bg. Disgusting.


tested some stuff on my WW monk in a duel and looked at the breakdown after - FoF was doing 20k ticks and my top dmg was my minions very odd (duel was short ofc)

you are telling lies, there have been much worse pre-patches

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What a stupid answer. Why should i lie while everyone can see what is going on? Aimed Shot hits 100k to 2m hp plate wearers. Some classes are like world boss to other classes. So your prior pre-patch experiences must be your ‘worseness’.

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i mean… i seen hunter with 50killing blows in bg… and in the top 10dps in leaderboard 5 is hunters the whole dragonflight, and also right now…
we had 2 days without hunters anw now it looks like we r back to the same

except also dk ele some sp … idk, feels likke everyone is doing so much dmg lately…

I am the last person to complain about hunter’s damage since i have always found a way to make it work in a way. Probably i am holder of damage record in 10 man bgs in Dragonflight expansion. So trust me, if there was a way to play and have fun, i would. I stopped playing because i don’t want to be a toy of dks, ele shamans, fire mages, boomkins and so on. They immediately need to make an official announcement about this clown fest.

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fire is rly RLY odd

the same combo sometimes it 100-0 ppl in 0.1
sometimes it does 10% of their hp… idk what the f is wwrong with the dmg

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